Beautiful advice by Hasan al Basri (رحمة الله) to Umar bin Abdul Aziz (رحمة الله)
Al-Hasan Al-Basri (رحمة الله) wrote to Caliph ‘Umar bin Abdul-Aziz (رحمة الله) : “This life is temporary and not permanent; Adam was sent down to it as punishment. Therefore, O Leader of the Faithful, beware of this life and know that the best provision pertains to abandoning excessive indulgence in it and that wealth pertains to being deprived of its splendor. This life always has its victims. It brings disgrace to those who are mighty in it and poverty to those who collect it with greed. Its parable is poisons: when one unknowingly eats the poison, he will die as a consequence.
Therefore, be like a wounded man who nurses his wounds for a while for fear of extended repercussions and endures the bitterness of the medicine so that his illness is not prolonged.
Beware of this deceiving life, for it cheats and lures people with its beauty. Life lures with its false adornments and deceives with its hopes. It has beautified itself for those who seek it in marriage and became just like the beautiful bride at whom the eyes stare, whom the hearts adore and the inner self covets. However, life kills all of its husbands. Yet, its current husbands do not take a lesson from the fate of her ex-husbands whom it killed, nor do the latter advise the surviving former against its danger. However covets life, satisfies his desire from it and becomes further deceived by his excessive indulgence in its affairs.
He becomes a tyrant who forgets the Return (to Allah), until his feet are removed from this life, and consequently, his sorrow increases and his grief intensifies. He departs this life without sufficient provisions and is introduced to the Last Life without having firm foundation to rely on. Beware of this life, O Leader of the Faithful! Even when you feel more delight in it as ever before, you should be more aware of it as ever before. Whenever owners of life’s splendor feel comfortable in this life, it is followed with an affliction. What seems delightful in this life is connected to hardship, and whatever is though permanent, is bound to vanish. The joys of this Life are mixed with sadness. Whatever leaves it never comes back and whatever is to come is unknown, so awaiting for it does not avail. Its wishes are unreal, its hopes are false, its core is impure and its essence is encompassed by grief.
Verily, the son of Adam is always in danger from this life while still in it. Life was offered to your Prophet Muhammad (sallallau alaihi wasallam) with its keys and treasures, but he refused to accept it. He dislike to covet what Allah does not prefer, or to elevate what His King has made lowly. It is Allah Who kept life’s splendor away from the righteous as a test for them and gave its abundance to His enemies as a trial from Him.
It was reported that Allah the Exalted and Most Honored said to Moses (sallallau alaihi wasallam) ‘If you see riches coming, say, ‘this is on account of a sin for which the punishment is sent sooner rather than later.’ If you see poverty coming, say, ‘Welcome, O sign of the righteous.” – (Iddatus-Sabirin, p.331)