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Nowadays when some prominent person dies, the process of perpetuating his memory is initiated. Functions are organized. His death anniversary is celebrated, and resolutions are passed. All of this is advertised in newspapers. Of what benefit is all of this to the mayyit?

Instead of benefitting the mayyit, he will be asked (by the Malaaikah): ―Were you indeed so?‖ These obituaries brings grief to the mayyit, and this is the consequence of the „muhabbat‟ (fraudulent love –Mujlisul Ulama) of the „muhibbeen‟ (fake lovers –Mujlisul Ulama). Instead of benefitting the mayyit they subject him to interrogation by the Malaaikah. Regardless of the mayyit not committing any crime, the fact remains that he is being subjected to questioning on account of the eulogies sung for him.
Although Hadhrat Nabi Isaa (Alayhis salaam) is entirely innocent of the shirk committed by his people, on the Day of Qiyaamah, Allah Ta‟ala will interrogate him: ―O Isaa, Son of Maryam! Did you tell the people to take yourself and your mother as gods besides Allah?‖
Despite Nabi Isaa (Alayhis salaam) being completely innocent, nevertheless, he will be embarrassed by this questioning.

This evil is widespread nowadays. Prominent Ulama organize and participate in such nonsensical and harmful functions which bring grief to the mayyit. In fact, according to the Hadith when the praises of a deceased ‗hadhrat‘ are sung by his followers, the Malaaikah sarcastically taunt him: ‗Were you indeed as they are saying?‘ The mayyit becomes embarrassed and grieved by obituaries and eulogies sung for him. But people are the slaves of their nafs. In the name of the dead and the Deen they revel in their merrymaking functions. – Mujlisul Ulama