Question Does the mayyits rooh come to the house? if you say no, then why does the deceased come in dreams?
Answer: The deceased’s rooh is in a different realm and the living beings are in a different realm. seeing a person in a dream does not mean that they come to the house. If you dream of someone who lives far away, does it mean that he came to your house?
Fataawa Darul Uloom, Vol 1 pg325
Question: What should one do if they have doubt with regard to the number of rak’aat performed?Answer:
Doubt regarding the Number of Raka’ts.
During the course of performing Salaat the Musalli doubts the number of raka’ts he has performed, i.e. whether he has performed three or four, etc., raka’ts.
(a) If the Musalli is not in the habit of doubting the number of raka’ts, i.e. such doubts are not common to him. Then he should repeat the Salaat afresh.
(b) If such doubts are common to the Musalli, then in this case he must ponder into the number of raka’ts he has performed, and accept the verdict given by his mind. If he is able to conclude that he had performed two, three or four raka’ts, he should accept this conclusion. No Sujoodus-Sahw is necessary in this case.
(c) If the Musalli is unable to arrive at any decision, then in such a case he should opt for the lesser number .- i.e. if the doubt is between two and three raka’ts, he shall consider that he has performed only two raka’ts, if the doubt is between three and four, three shall be considered as the number already performed; if the doubt is between one and two raka’ts, one raka’t shall be considered. And, in all these instances the Musalli shall sit in Qa’dah and recite Tashah-hud in each raka’t and perform Sujoodus Sahw in the final raka’t of the Salaat.
Question: If a boy grows a beard and a moustache, is this a sign of buloogh?
Answer: No, this is not a sign of buloogh. If he had not seen the 3 signs of buloogh, he will only be baaligh ath the age of 15 Islamic years.
Fataawa Mahmoodiya Vol 17 pg 198
Question: A rich person with a mansion and luxury cars keeps himself always purposely in debt. Can I give him my Zakaat?
Answer: There is no merit in giving such a person Zakaat. The reward for disbursing Zakaat to genuine Fuqara and Masaakeen is vastly superior. How will one ever know for sure whether this rich person, who “always keeps himself purposely in debt” is truly eligible for Zakaat? If technically he is eligible and the Zakaat is given to him then it will however be regarded as being discharged.
Question: Zaid died and left behind his wife, mother, 2 daughters, 2 sons daughters and 3 sisters. How should the estate be divided?
Answer: The estate will be divided into 24 shares as follows: wife=1/8 or 3/24 mother=1/6 or 4/24 2 daughters=1/2 or 12/24 2 sons daughters=1/6 or 4/24 3 sisters=balance to be shared equally or 1/24
Question: A husband gave his wife a talaaq at the demand of the wife over the phone. The wife demands that he sent her proof of it via sms. Is this necessary?
Answer: The husband is very foolish to listen to his wife in this matter. This isn’t a small matter. However since the talaaq was given over the phone it already took place and their isn’t a need to re-instate the talaaq. By sending an sms you are doubling the talaaqs given.
Question: My “husband” gave me three talaaqs. The first talaaq he gave while I was ill at home just after having undergone a major operation. I would like to know if this talaaq is valid? The second he gave two weeks after we got back together as we were intimate.He was angry and someone told him to give talaaq. Then he gave the third and made his brother sign. All three were given in writing. Are all three valid? More importantly, is the first valid, or is it not counted? We still want to get back as he regrets his actions and feels that the first talaaq given is not counted.
Answer: Your nikaah has irrevocably broken. Your husband has issued you with three talaaqs of the mughallazah category, which means that the two of you cannot marry after your iddat. The two of you are no longer husband and wife. All physical contact should incumbently be terminated, otherwise the two of you will be living under the dark shadow of Allah Ta’ala’s anger. May Allah Ta’ala protect us from His chastisement.
The only way the two of you can ever get together as husband and wife is that you marry someone else and after consummation of the marriage your second husband gives you talaaq. After completing your iddat, then only can you return to your first husband.
Talaaq is valid even if the wife is ill, away from the marital home and even in anger.