Inflation is defined as the constant increase in prices for a reason other than that related to market forces of supply and demand. The reason for Inflation is usually the unjust fall in value of money.
When gold and silver are used as money, the value of money remains relatively stable. The price of a sheep in gold dinars 1000 years ago is relatively the same as today’s price.
When, however, money with intrinsic value is removed from the market and is replaced with bogus fraudulent money with fictitious value then that value can be manipulated to constantly diminish. As money falls in value, prices rise. It is that phenomenon which is known as Inflation. It is an instrument through which the masses are unjustly impoverished while a predatory elite grow richer and yet richer while drinking the blood sweat and tears of the innocent masses.
Inflation: The fraud at the heart of our economy that is destroying the middle class
The value or purchasing power (not price) of gold and silver miraculously stays relatively the same for the past 1400 years.
During the time of the Prophet ( صلي الله عليه وسلم), 1 Dinar (4.25 grams of 22-24 carat gold) could be used to buy 1 or 2 sheep. Today, with the same amount of gold you may purchase 1 or 2 sheep depending on the quality of the sheep. The same applies to silver. 1400 years ago one could buy 1 chicken with 1 dirham, and today 1 dirham can get one 1-3 chickens depending on the quality of the chicken.