“Why Were The Talks Of The Former People (Ulama) So Effective?”
Hadhrat Hamdoon Qassaar (Rahmatullah alayh) was among the Auliya of the Salafus Saaliheen. He was the Mureed of Hadhrat Turaab Bakhshi (Rahmatullah alayh). He was the Shaikh of Hadhrat Abdullah Mubaarak (Rahmatullah alayh), The people of his era used to revile him considerably, for they could not understand his talks pertaining to spiritual subtleties. But, the Auliya had the highest regard for him.
Hadhrat Hamdoon (Rahmatullah alayh) was asked: “Why were the talks of the former people (Ulama) so effective.” He said: “They spoke for the glory of Islam and for their salvation (in the Aakhirah), and for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. We speak for the honour of the nafs (jah, vanity, pride), for worldly motives, and for the pleasure of people.
Advices of Hazrat (Rahmatullah alayh):
“Your relationship with Allah Ta’ala in privacy should be more and loftier than your relationship with Him in public.”
There should be concealment as far as possible of one’s deeds of virtue.
“If you see piety in someone, do not be hasty in leaving him so that a portion of the barkat of his piety also reaches you.”
I give you wasiyyat (advice and admonition) of two things: Stay away from the company of Ulama (i.e. the ulama-e-soo’) and from the company of the juhala (ignoramuses).”
“He who reflects on the excellences of the former people (Salafus Saaliheen) will understand his own deficiencies.”
“Remember that worry is in the desire for more (i.e. more than whatever Allah Ta’ala has ordained for you).”
“He who does not desire blindness, should not become blind to the harms of his nafs.”
“If you see an intoxicated person, do not despise him. Fear the possibility of you becoming like him.”
“When the Faqeer is proud of his faqr (poverty), then his pride exceeds the pride of all the people of wealth. The status of faqr remains as long as the Faqeer is humble.”
The root of all spiritual ailments of the heart is abundance of eating, and it is the root for bringing calamity to the Deen.”
“He who is engrossed in the dunya will be disgraced in the dunya and the Aakhirat.”
“In calamity, only he who doubts Allah Ta’ala displays impatience.”
Three things delight Shaitaan:
(1) Killing a Mu’min.
(2) Death in the state of kufr.
(3) Fear for Durwaishi (i.e. the poverty of the Auliya).”
The delight of Shaitaan is not confined to these three evils. The statement has been made to emphasize the villainy of these three evils