Fear As A Psychological Weapon To Modify Your Beliefs
How Shaytaan & His Allies Misleads You By Using Fear As A Psychological Weapon To Modify Your Beliefs
– Fearing what the media tells you to fear?
– Fearing what the secular education system tells you to fear?
– Fearing what the rulers of the land tell you fear?
– Fearing things that make you take out insurance and medical aids?
“It is Satan who urges you to fear his followers; do not fear them, but fear Me, if you are true believers.”
Quran (3:175)
Ibn Sina’s Lamb Experiment shows the psychological effects of Fear📝🔍
Once Ibn Sina, the famous Muslim polymath, put two lambs in separate cages. Lambs were the same age and the same weight, and fed with the same food. All conditions were equal. However, he put a wolf in the third cage. Only one lamb could see the wolf but not the other lamb. Months later, the lamb who saw the wolf was cranky, restless, poorly developing, and losing weight. The lamb died whilst the other lamb remained healthy. Although the wolf did nothing to the lamb next to it, the fear and stress that lamb lived in killed it prematurely, while the other lamb that did not see the wolf, was peaceful and developed well with a healthy weight gain.
In this experiment lbn Sına proved the mental influence on physical wellness and its positive and negative effects on health. Unnecessary anxiety and stress damages our mental as well as physical health. Nothing may harm humans more than unnecessary anxiety and stress. Nothing can do anything like the damage it causes. Here Islam presents a solution in the form of Tawakkul (Reliance on God), Islam teaches that we shouldn’t take any stress, we shouldn’t invite depression and we must rely on God by believing that everything will be fine Insha’Allah!
“And for those who fear Allah, He always prepares a way out, and He provides for him from sources he never could imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is Allah for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion.” [Quran, 65: 2-3]
📚Source: Avicenna, “Concerning the Soul”, in F. Rahman, Avicenna’s Psychology: An English Translation of Kitab Al-Najat.
Fear is almost always not real. What I mean by that is that our fears are self-created due to ignorance and don’t actually exist. Think about it….often times we fear things that won’t and can’t cause harm to us. It’s all in our heads, but since it’s in our minds it becomes our reality…the question is who really put that fear in your mind? Was it coming from the Quran and Sunnah or was it the mind control and misinformation of the disbelievers?
Eg: Having fear in fictitious things like contagions when the most knowledgeable of mankind refuted it in his prophetic statement of “LA ADWA” and he further refuted the lies of contagiousness by eating from the same plate as the Leper. Even non muslims have come out to expose the fake propagated science of contagions and have scientifically refuted it. As a believing Muslim Will you still then believe in the fear mongering of the disbelievers who are allies of Satan?
“It is Satan who urges you to fear his followers; do not fear them, but fear Me, if you are true believers.”
Quran (3:175)
Fear is a tool that shaytaan uses to limit our ability to do great things. It is a tool he uses to keep us under his influence or the influence of things both tangible and intangible (substances – the fear of giving them up; negative thoughts etc.) rather than be completely free, which is the state that we enter into when we fear only God.
“Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians – those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness – no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” Quran (5:69)
Fear in some cases can keep us from doing the right thing. Eg: Keeping the musjids open and reading salaah in the proper Sunnah way when the allies of Satan want you to fear their fictitious diagnosis of contagions.
Satan says: I will mislead them and I will create in them false desires… (an-Nisa, 119)
Satan keeps people with false dreams and desires. People who travel in the desert sometimes see a mirage and they think it is real; they run toward it. However, they run toward a dream. Similarly, Satan makes people spend time with false ideologies and dreams. For instance, a wrong ideology(belief in contagions) emerges and many people follow it. In fact, it will not be useful for them and it will not make them happy as they begin to now live in fear and succumb to the tricks and deceptions of Satan and his allies that has caused more people to have mental disorders, stress, anxiety and depression.