20 Important Miscellaneous Masa’il – Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi رحمه الله
Reading Time: 4 minutes
- It is mustahab to remove the hair of the pubic region and the armpits once a week. If one does not remove these hairs weekly, one should at least remove them every fortnight. If one cannot even do this, one should remove them before forty days. If a person leaves these hairs for more than forty days, he will be sinning.
- It is makruh for women to call their husbands and parents by name as this shows disrespect. (It is also makruh for men to call their parents by their names.) However, certain occasions may demand that they be called by name. In such circumstances it will be permissible to call both the husband and parents by name. Under all conditions and in all circumstances, one should always be mindful of being respectful to one’s husband and parents.
- It is not permissible to burn any living creature, e.g. it is not permissible to smoke bees in order to get rid of them. It is also not permissible to catch bugs, flies, mosquitoes, etc. and to throw them into a fire. However, if there is no other way of getting rid of them, it will be permissible to do so, e.g. at times it is difficult to get rid of bees. In such a case, it will be permissible to smoke them. It will also be permissible to get rid of bed-bugs by pouring boiling water on the bed if there is no other way of getting rid of them.
- It is not permissible to take bets, e.g. a person says: “If you eat a full kilo of sweets. I will give you R1. But if you cannot do that, you will have to give me R 1.” In other words, it is not permissible to take two-sided bets. However, one-sided bets are permissible.
- When two persons are talking in privacy, one should not go and sit near them. It is a major sin to try and listen to their conversation. It is mentioned in a Hadith that on the day of judgement, boiling lead will be poured into the ears of the person who tries to listen to the private conversation of others despite their disapproval. We learn from this that it is a major sin to spy on the bride and bride groom or to try and listen to their private conversation.
- It is not permissible for the wife to discuss or announce the private affairs and conversations that transpired between herself and her husband. It is mentioned in a Hadith that Allah Ta’ala becomes extremely angry when a person discusses or mentions all that transpired between him and his wife.
- It is not permissible to joke with a person to such an extent that he feels insulted or angered by the joke. One should only joke to the extent that the other person laughs and is amused.
- It is not permissible to wish for death or to curse oneself when afflicted by any problem or calamity.
- It is not permissible to play dice games, cards, etc. If these are played for money, they will be regarded as gambling and will therefore be absolutely haraam.
- Once boys reach the age of ten, they should not be allowed to sleep or lie down next to their sisters, brothers or mothers. Once girls reach the age of ten, they should not be allowed to sleep or lie down next to their brothers and fathers. However, the son cannot sleep next to his father and the daughter can sleep next to her mother.
- When a person sneezes, he should say Alhamdulillah. It will be waajib on the person who hears him saying Alhamdulillah to say Yarhamu kumullah. If the latter person does not say this, he will be sinful. Upon hearing this reply, the person who sneezed should say Yaghfirullahu lanaa wa lakum (or Yahdee kumullah). However, it is not wajib, but mustahab on the person who sneezed to give this reply.
- After sneezing, a person said Alhamdulillah which was heard by several persons. It will not be wajib on all of them to give a reply to it. If one of them gives a reply, it will be sufficient. However, if none of them gives a reply, all will be sinful.
- If a person sneezes continuously, it will be wajib to say Yarhamu kumullah up to three times and not more.
- When a person mentions the name of Rasulullah sollallahu alayhi wa sallam, hears it or reads it, it becomes wajib upon him to send salutations to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The person will be sinning if he does not do so. But if his name is mentioned several times, it will not be wajib to recite the durood each time. It will be sufficient to recite it once. But if a person moves from his place and takes his name or hears it again, it will be wajib to recite the durood again.
- It is not permissible to shave the head of a child in such a way that a certain portion is entirely bald and another portion is left long. Either shave the entire head bald or leave all the hair unshaven.
- It is not permissible for women to apply perfumes or any other fragrant creams, lotions, etc. in such a way that ghayr mahrams get the smell of the fragrance.
- It is not permissible to give clothing which is not permissible to wear, e.g. it is not permissible for the husband to purchase clothing that is not permissible for his wife to wear. Similarly, it is not permissible for a tailor or dressmaker to sew clothing which is not permissible for Muslims to wear.
- It is not permissible to read short stories, novels, novels based on love and beauty which are of a fictitious nature. It is also not permissible to look at books and magazines that have pictures of men and women in shameless clothing or no clothing at all. Books containing love poems should also be abstained from. Books and magazines of this sort should not even be purchased. If they are found in the possession of one’s children, they should be burnt.
- The custom of making salaam, shaking hands, embracing each other is also sunnah for women. Women should adopt these Islamic customs among themselves.
- If a person is a guest at someone’s house, he should not give any food or anything else to a beggar from his host’s house without the permission of the latter.
Source: Behishti Zewar