Our Pledge to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and Responding to the Adhaan

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Allaamah Abdul Wahhaab Sha‘raani (Rahmatullah alayh) said:

Among our Pledges to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is that we shall respond to the Muath-thin as instructed in the Sunnah and that we shall not be oblivious in this regard by indulging
in conversation.

Every Sunnat act has a specific time for rendering it. For responding to the Muath-
thin there is also a specific time. For Ilm there is a time. For Tasbeeh there is a time,
and for Tilaawat of the Qur‘aan there is a time. Thus one may not recite Istighfaar
during the time of Surah Faatihah (in Salaat) nor in the place of Tasbeeh, nor Qiraa‘t in Sujood, nor in the place of
Tashahhud, etc. Understand this well.

In this era (i.e. the 10th Hijri century), besides others, numerous Talabatul Ilm (Ulama and Students) are neglectful in
this regard. They abandon the response to the Muath-thin, and frequently they neglect even Jamaat Salaat. They engage in Nahw and Usool or in Fiqh while the
people are emerging from the Musaajid. Then they justify (their neglect) by saying:
― Knowledge has priority.

In reality, it is not so. When Sayyidi Ali Khawwaas (Rahmatullah alayh) would
hear the Muath-thin proclaiming: ―Hayya alas Salaah, he would shiver and melt with
fear for Allah Ta‘ala. He would respond to the Muath-thin with complete presence
of heart and total humility. Know this and act accordingly. May Allah Ta‘ala guide
you. (Lawaaqiul Anwaar)

This neglect, i.e. being oblivious of the Masnoon response, is worse in our time. Ulama, Muftis, Molvis and Talaba are
all the same. Whilst the Adhaan is being proclaimed, they indulge in conversation,
laughter, and the like. Some have the mistaken idea that it is permissible to abstain from the Masnoon Response if they
are engaging in teaching and lecturing. This is erroneous and not valid. Teaching and the bayaan are the personal acts of a person, while Responding to the Adhaan is a Masnoon act of Ibaadat. If it is missed, there is no qadha for it. The immense reward of fulfilling a Sunnat act is lost, and perpetuation of such neglect constitutes a major sin. Understand this well and
abstain from baseless justification and interpretation.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “My Shafaa-ah (Intercession) is Waajib for him who responds to the

By Mujlisul Ulama