Allah is free of sins thus there isn’t any Tauba and Istighfaar for Allah, similarly there isn’t any Tawadhu (humility) for Allah, therefore these things hold tremendous value in the court of Allah Ta’ala. The example of this is similar to an item that is not available in your country but has to be imported from elsewhere. Such an item is extremely valuable due to its scarcity. Therefore Allah Ta’ala appreciates Tauba, Istighfaar, Tawadhu, etc.
If the ambassador of a country is sent to a foreign country and his behaviour is not in order he is recalled. Sometimes the president is also recalled. We are the vicegerents of Allah Ta’ala on the surface of the earth but if we do not act accordingly then we may be recalled as well. Allah Ta’ala mentions that He made Adam Alyhis Salaam his Khalifa and sent him into the world.
So, Tawadhu is valuable in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. One person used to write letters to Hadrat Maulana Ilyaas Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih At the end of his letter, he would terminate by referring to himself as a donkey or one that spoils the name of his seniors, etc. This was indicating towards humbleness and showing himself as nothing. He visited Hadrat Maulana Ilyaas Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih once in Masjid-un-Nabawi. Hadrat would normally sit on the right hand side of the first Saff. On seeing him, Hadrat commented by saying, “O donkey! You have come.” This person became very annoyed. Hadrat said, “You indicated that you are nothing but I have afforded you position by giving you the status of a donkey.” The reality of these words should be in our hearts. We just write these words as a formality, but our Buzurgs would write it with the reality in their hearts.
How we take off with a person when something is against our temperament! Hadrat Maulana Maseehullah Saheb Rahmatullah Alaih has mentioned that if someone slaps you then you have the right of retaliating. A higher stage than this is that a person swallows his anger. The reality is that a person doesn’t become angry at all. Junaid Baghdadi Rahmatullah Alaih was dressed on the day of Eid with the best of clothing and proceeding for Eid Salaah when someone threw ash on him from the top. He recited Subhanallah. His Mureeds said, “Hadrat, is this the time to recite Subhanallah?” He said, “I am such a person that fire was supposed to engulf me.” All praise is due to Allah that only ashes were thrown. We are such that we become upset with people publicly and we are worse within our homes.
Maulana Maseehullah Rahmatullah Alaih says, “When we think that we are humble with others then this is only social character.” If an Alim delivers a lecture and after the lecture somebody says, “Maulana, what you had spoken is rubbish.” What is our behaviour at such a time?
When a person says that he is nothing then he has purchased the seed for humbleness. He should now plant the seed, water it, allow it to rot, then only will the shoot sprout out, and crops, wheat, mealies, mango trees, etc. grow. When we adopt genuine humbleness then people will not complain about character of others. Some people claim to be humble yet they are always fighting with everyone.
If death approaches but we haven’t annihilated ourselves what will our condition be? We are happy with our claim of humbleness. Dawud Alyhis Salaam humbled himself before Allah Ta’ala which serves as an important lesson for us and he was the Khalifa of Allah Ta’ala.
Source: pearlsoftaqwa