Keeping Imaan Afloat in the Ocean of Kufr

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Once when Hadhrat Shah Abdul Aziz (Rahmatullah alayh) was giving a bayaan to his mureeds and some Ulama, two persons from the public entered and sought a fatwa.

The one said: ‘Today my friend drank water which was the left-over of an Englishman. What is the fatwa?” 

Hadhrat Shah Sahib adopting a very sombre attitude said that since this issue was extremely delicate, it will take time to search for the fatwa. He told them to return for the fatwa after a couple of days.

The audience consisting of Ulama, was surprised. The fatwa according to the Shariah is simple. If the kaafir’s mouth was paak (taahir), the water remains paak, hence there was no concern. If his mouth was impure due to liquor or haraam food, then obviously the water was impure.

Why did Shah Sahib adopt this strange strategy? But no one had the courage to question him.

On the appointed day, the two chaps came for their fatwa. Shah Sahib said: “The fatwa is Tajdeed-e-Imaan (i.e. renewal of Imaan. By implication he had become a murtadd); Tajdeed-e-Nikah (renewal of his marriage).” 

Shah Sahib furthermore prescribed some penances to be performed as an expiation (kaffarah) for having drunk the water which had touched the lips of the Englishman.

The two persons being sincere, were satisfied. They left and observed the prescription and the penalty.

When the surprised Ulama questioned Hadhrat Shah Sahib, he responded: “By this measure, I have saved their Imaan.”
