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Issuing Three Talaqs


If a man issues three divorces to his wife, she becomes completely haram for him. Even if they renew their nikah, it will be haram for this woman to live with him. This nikah will not be valid irrespective of whether the three divorces were issued in clear terms or in vague terms. If a woman who has been issued three divorces wishes to live with her first husband and wishes to remarry him, there is only one way in doing this. That is, she will have to marry another person, engage in sexual intercourse with him, and when he dies or divorces her, she must complete her ‘iddah. Upon completing her ‘iddah, she can remarry her first husband. Without marrying a second person, she cannot remarry her first husband. If she marries a second person, but he passed away before he could engage in sexual intercourse with her or divorced her before engaging in sexual intercourse with her, then this will not be considered. She can only marry her first husband when her second husband has intercourse with her. Without this intercourse, she cannot remarry her first husband. Understand this well.

There are different ways in issuing three divorces. One is that the person issues them at one time, e.g. he says: “I give you three divorces” or “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you.” The second way of issuing three divorces is to issue them over a period of time, e.g. he issues one today, another one tomorrow, and the third one the day after tomorrow. Alternatively, he issues one divorce this month, another the following month, and a third divorce in the following month. However, all these are issued within her ‘iddah. The same rule will apply to all the different forms of issuing the talaq.

The right or choice to keep one’s wife only remains when a person issues one or two divorces in clear terms and not three. Once he issues three, he has no choice or right to keep his wife.

Is is recommended that for a divorce only One Talaq be given,  there is no  necessity to give Three in one sitting.