Gaza Holocaust – “What the Palestinian people have endured for the past 75 years is a Holocaust of their own
Akhbar al-Khaleej, a Bahraini newspaper : “What the Palestinian people have endured for the past 75 years is a Holocaust of their own…surpassing the Zionist narratives and legends about the Jewish Holocaust. The Zionist entity has perpetrated severe crimes beyond anything seen worldwide, which makes the Palestinian Holocaust an atrocity a thousand times greater.”
Below excerpt was taken from a 2008 publication
Gaza’s Holocaust
Dr. Elias Akleh
Gaza’s Holocaust Holocaust is the genocidal crime against people based on their ethnicity. This genocide could be perpetrated through different means such as poison gas, guns, tanks, air raids, biological warfare, economical siege, starvation, destruction of vital natural resources, eviction into desert, and deprivation of basic vital materials, among others, to produce the same result: mass deaths.
For the last sixty years Palestinians have been victims of all these methods in a deliberate programmed holocaust. The perpetrators are not Nazis, but those who claim to be survivors (and their descendents) of the Nazi-caused holo- caust: Zionist Jewish Israelis. The threat of the Israeli deputy defense minister, Metan Vinai, to inflict “bigger Shoah” (Holocaust) [British Telegraph 2/29] on Gaza’s Palestinians ref lects the adopted policy of the Israeli government towards Palestinians. 2 Encircled by an eight-meter-high cement wall on three sides and a sea filled with hostile Israeli gun boats on the fourth, Gaza, with a dense population of 1.5 million people, has become the largest concentration camp ever on this globe. The Israeli army acts as the prison guards of this concentration camp. Controlling all sea and air borders, the Israeli army controls and restricts all vital materials going into Gaza. Life in Gaza is dependent on the whims of the Israeli army guarding all crossings into Gaza. They close these crossings whenever they want, for long periods of time, to starve Palestinians. UN reports warn that the majority of Gazans live under the poverty line.
To make things worse Israel turned Gaza into a military exercise theatre for its snipers shooting children in the streets, for their special forces conducting offensive operations within civilian areas, for long range artillery practice, for tanks offensive exercises, for navy gun boats shooting exercises, and for air raid tar- geting. Starting Wednesday February 27th Israeli terrorist army started their “bigger Shoah” against Gaza. This holocaust did not target only Gaza (although Gaza is now suffer- ing its main assault) but also targeted every Palestinian community in the West Bank. There has been a sharp escalation of Israeli military operations averaging at least five operations a day within these communities.
Between February 21st and 27th the Israeli terrorist army conducted thirty six military operations, according to Palestinian Human Rights Center. With tanks and armored personnel carriers randomly shooting at everything, the Israeli army attacked Palestinian cities such as Bethlehem, Hebron (Al-Khalil), Nablus, Yatta, Beit Ummar, Dura, Taffuh and others, turning civilian homes into military headquarters and schools into temporary prisons; stealing valuables, destroying properties, demolishing homes, raiding Islamic charity institutions and Young Men Islamic Associations and confiscating their contents, money and records, and sealed them shut. During those seven days the Israeli army kidnapped sixty seven Palestinians, making a total of 499 hostages since the beginning of this year. Fearing the angry reactions of huge Arab and Islamic populations and indignation from the international community, Israel is perpetrating a graduated Palestinian holocaust, where murdering Palestinians has become a daily occurrence in an attempt to desensitize world opinion. Yet this Palestinian holocaust has all the ugly features of the European Jewish holocaust.
Where European Jews suffered from a social racial superiority ideology of the pure Aryan race, the Palestinians are suffering from a more extreme religious superiority ideology of God’s chosen people. Where Nazis confiscated Jewish properties, Zionist Israel has confiscated Palestinian properties, homes, farm land and valuables. Where Nazis murdered Jews (including women and children) for no reason except for being a Jew, Israelis are now murdering Palestinians, especially women and children, for no reason except for being Palestinian. Israel has massacred hundreds of whole Palestinian communities and wiped their towns off the map. Where Nazis had imprisoned Jews in con- centration camps, Israel is imprisoning all Palestinians in larger concentration camps enclosed within an eight meter high by 760 km long concrete wall that divides Palestinian territories into separate, small concentrations camps, with Gaza Strip being the largest concentration camp ever in the whole world.
W. A. Cook (ed.), The Plight of the Palestinians © William A. Cook 2010 Dr. Elias Akleh
Akhbar al-Khaleej, aBahraini newspaper exemplifies these discrepancies, stating: “What the Palestinian people have endured for the past 75 years is a Holocaust of their own…surpassing the Zionist narratives and legends about the Jewish Holocaust. The Zionist entity has perpetrated severe crimes beyond anything seen worldwide, which makes the Palestinian Holocaust an atrocity a thousand times greater.”