A Hypocrite Remains in The Same Condition For Forty Years

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A Hypocrite Remains in The Same Condition For Forty Years

Hadrat Junayd Baghdādī rahimahullāh said: لَع حالة واحدة الصادق يتقلب يف اَلوم أربعني مرة، واؤمرايئ يثب أربعني سنة.

A sincere and genuine person will change forty times a day, while a hypocrite will remain in the same condition for forty years.1 In other words, a sincere person is constantly on the look out for occasions and opportunities where he can do the most good and earn the most reward. He will then go for those opportunities.

On the other hand, a hypocrite remains as he is and is not concerned about anything. He feels that if he moves away from a certain spiritual practice, people will say that he missed it out. This is, after all, ostentation.

The Ahlullāh protect themselves against it.