The Genocidal State of Israel: In their Own Words

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Since our last article iterating the numerous hoaxes and fabrications propagated through Israeli officials, mainstream media, and pro-Israel activists, a further 6,207 Palestinians have been slaughtered by the Zionist death cult, raising the total count to 10,000.

Of this total, over 4,000 (40%) are children.

To put things into perspective, between 24 February 2022 and 10 September 2023, the Ukrainian civilian death toll sits at 9,060, of which 554 are children.

This is a mass slaughter. And it is deliberate.

In this piece, we outline and discuss the Zionist entity’s twisted rationale for flattening Gaza, along with its genocidal intent as explicated by Israelis.

The Zionist entity’s justification for mass-murdering civilians

During World War II, Dresden suffered a catastrophic air raid in February 1945. The bombing, primarily by British and American forces, created a devastating firestorm that consumed the city. The death toll is estimated to be between 22,700 and 25,000, with the majority being civilians.

Five months later, the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. In Hiroshima, the immediate death toll was around 140,000, and thousands more suffered from radiation-related illnesses. Generations after, survivors and their descendants still bear physical and psychological scars.

The attacks were rationalised alongside a pervasive dehumanisation of the enemy. All Germans were brutal and savage, and the Japanese were “dirty animals” and “monkeys”, making them all a target. As Colonel Harry F Cunningham, an intelligence officer of the US Fifth Air Force, said, “There are no civilians in Japan.”

Both attacks were morally unjustifiable. They purposefully targeted and terrorised mass civilian populations into submission.

In Islam, there is a general prohibition of the use of a weapon of mass destruction, such as a nuclear bomb, due to the indiscriminate target of non-combatants.

However, Western secularists have struggled to contend with their own moral monstrosity. Those who directed the incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki questioned the morality of such actions. In 2015, the UK ambassador to Germany visited Dresden and declared the indiscriminate bombing “terrible” and “horrific”. There was no attempt at proffering a moral justification.

Assessing the morality of attacks like Dresden, Hamburg, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, contemporary humanist philosopher A. C. Grayling concluded the following:[1]

Was area bombing necessary? No.

Was it proportionate? No.

Was it against the humanitarian principles that people have been striving to

enunciate as a way of controlling and limiting war? Yes.

Was it against general moral standards of the kind recognised and agreed in Western

civilisation in the last five centuries, or even 2,000 years? Yes.

Was it against what mature national laws provide in the way of outlawing murder,

bodily harm, and destruction of property? Yes.

In short and in sum: was area bombing wrong? Yes.

Very wrong? Yes.

But perhaps the most robust evidence that Western countries wished to bury their historic barbarity is their ratification of the 1949 Geneva Convention and the 1977 First Protocol, which seek to protect civilians against indiscriminate bombardment.

Despite the appalling morality of Dresden and Hiroshima, the terrorist state of Israel and its mouthpieces have consistently invoked these barbaric attacks to guilt-trip Western audiences and cloak the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

According to the New York Times,

“It became evident to U.S. officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign… Israeli officials referred to how the United States and other allied powers resorted to devastating bombings in Germany and Japan during World War II — including the dropping of the two atomic warheads in Hiroshima and Nagasaki — to try to defeat those countries.”

As we quote below, Israeli ambassador to the UK Tzipi Hotovley and other officials have similarly referred to Dresden and Hiroshima in justifying the murdering of civilians.

However, by invoking these examples, the Zionist entity’s genocidal intent to terrorise the population and force the expulsion of the Palestinian territories is made clear.

Rights group: Israel dropped equivalent to 2 nuclear bombs on Gaza …

Ethnic cleansing

The indiscriminate bombardment has a purpose other than to terrorise the Palestinians and deter future resistance. It is to displace, if not entirely exterminate, the Palestinians.

A leaked document from Israel’s Intelligence Ministry proposes a permanent mass population expulsion of Palestinians to the Sinai. The document states that such an action would instil “a sense of failure among the population” that would “help create an improved security situation for many years and deter the population.” The ministry is headed by Gila Gamliel, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party. Other Likud activists and MKs, such as Ariel Kallner, have supported this plan.

Financial incentives have also been used to facilitate the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Israel is mounting pressure on an economically-crisis-ridden Egypt to accept refugees and is even offering to pay off Egypt’s debts. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has requested Congress to approve funding for the effective support of a permanent displacement of Palestinians in “neighbouring countries” such as Syria, Egypt, and Jordan.

Furthermore, the Zionist entity’s brutal assault on Gaza is exacerbating the permanent displacement of Palestinians in at least two significant ways. The first is the creation of a humanitarian catastrophe. The extreme daily blood-letting is placing humanitarian pressure on Egypt to open its borders. On a strip of land that is already the most densely populated on the planet, the Zionist entity has forced one million Palestinians to “evacuate” to the “safe zone” in the south, a move which coincides with the Intelligence Ministry’s report. However, in pursuit of terrorising and instilling “failure” in the population, the Zionist entity has repeatedly bombed safe passages and sites in south Gaza (here, here, and here), including the entrance of the Al-Shifa hospital. All this desperation is intensified by the Zionist entity’s bombing of bakeries, compounding the already existent scarcity of fuel and water.

Secondly, even if there were a cessation of the Zionist atrocities, the Palestinians would have nowhere to go back to since the Zionists have completely destroyed north Gaza and its infrastructure.


Amidst the discussions on Dresden and nukes and the actions that equate to a mass slaughter of Palestinians, there remains little doubt that what is unfolding on television and mobile screens amounts to nothing short of genocide. The critical element required to establish genocide is intent. In this context, the words of former UN official Craig Mokhiber, who resigned in response to the UN’s inaction regarding Gaza, hold significant relevance:

“The hardest part of proving genocide has been proven for us with these very open statements of genocidal intent by Israeli officials, including the prime minister and the president and senior Cabinet ministers and military officials, who in their public statements have indicated very clearly their intention not to distinguish between civilians and combatants, and to carry out the kinds of wholesale slaughter that we are witnessing in Gaza.”

We have compiled the deplorable statements emerging from Zionist officials to highlight their unmistakable genocidal intent. These statements expose the catastrophically violent evil that lurks beneath the Zionist state’s perpetual victimhood mask.

We hope this clarity of intent serves as a reminder in the future that,

  1. through their support of the deranged Zionist state, Western countries have lost any semblance of morality they profess to have when indoctrinating Muslims domestically and democracy-bombing Muslims abroad;
  2. despite the clear signs, Muslim politicians in the UK and US unforgivably delayed or remained silent, and failed to, at the very least, call for a ceasefire and an arms embargo;
  3. the treachery of Mohammed Bin Salman and Mohammed Bin Zayed and the Arab world leaders through “normalisation” deals enabled this rhetoric and butchery;
  4. all of the above are complicit in the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the precariously vulnerable state of Masjid Al-Aqsa.

We encourage readers to paste these statements every time politicians the West, neoconservatives, pro-Israel activists, and Israeli officials cry “self-defence”.

The Plan of Allāh

Before we outline these statements, we want to remind the believers that as heart-wrenching as it is to witness the psychotic Zionist cruelty against the Palestinians, we must know that the Palestinians are successful Allāh-willing. As the Prophet ﷺ said:

“Wondrous is the affair of the believer, for there is good for him in every matter, and this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If he is happy, he thanks Allāh, and thus there is good for him, and if he is harmed, he shows patience, and thus there is good for him.”

Moreover, we must maintain our consciousness of Allāh and His Divine plan. Just as Pharoah nurtured his destruction in his own house through the Prophet Musa (upon him peace), Allāh is fully cognisant of the tyranny of the oppressors. Despite the global plans, wealth, and sheer brutality, they are encompassed by His Plan.

“And those before them did devise plans, but Allāh has the ultimate plan. He knows what every soul earns. And the disbelievers will soon know for whom is the ultimate abode.” (Al-Qurʾān, 4:104)

May Allāh make us instruments of relief for the Palestinians and protection of Al-Aqsa. Āmīn.