Aalamghir (Aurangzab, the Moghul Emperor) used to personally write the Qur’aan Shareef.

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Once a man pointed out an error. Alamghir made a mark by the word (conveying the impression that he would correct it later). After the departure of the man, Aalamghir erased the mark and explained that what he had written was correct. However, to avoid hurting the man’s feelings Aalamghir pretended that he had erred. The king said that if he had immediately rejected the man’s claim, he would in future refrain from presenting advice. He (Aalamghir) did not want to reduce his number of advisors.
Aalamghir was a man of lofty spiritual excellences and accomplishments).
He was a Saahib-e-Nisbat (one who enjoys a special bond of Divine Proximity). Towards the end of his life he instructed that his kafan should not be acquired with the money he had earned by his trade. He did not want the money earned from selling Qur’aan copies to be used for his kafan although the Ulama had issued the fatwa of permissibility. Nevertheless, overtly it resembled selling the aayat of Allah Ta’ala. He, therefore, did not wish to meet Allah Ta’ala with such kafan in which there was the slightest vestige of doubt.
Muhammad Qali was a close attendant of Aalamghir. Once Aalamghir, while calling him, exclaimed: ‘Qali!’ The servant immediately arrived with a jug of water. The king made wudhu.
A guest who was present was very surprised. How did the servant know that
Aalamghir required water for wudhu? The king had not mentioned this nor was it time for wudhu. When he enquired the servant said: “My name is Muhammad Qali. On account of the king’s profound respect, he never calls me with half my name. He always calls me by my full name. Today when he omitted the name Muhammad, I understood that the king was without wudhu. He therefore, refrained from mentioning the word, Muhammad. (From this could be gauged the profound respect and veneration the king had for Rasulullah — sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Subhaanallah! Attributes such as the respect of Aalamghir and the intelligence of the servant are now non-existent