The Need for a Senior in Deeni Matters
Western education shows us only external aspects of life, but Islamic education shows us the external and it also changes our outlook and mentality. It brings about mental discipline. However, this comes when you constantly consult with your elders.
Hadhratji Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saheb (rahimahullah) would say that the corruption and problems that we have nowadays is on account of people not having any senior and guide. Each person feels that he is not answerable since there is no one above him. Even a small home cannot operate and function if there is no head. It has to have a head to move in the right direction. Among the reasons for the success of the tableegh jamaat is that they do the work for no material gain and benefit, and secondly they listen to what the Ameer has to say; everything has to pass through him.
Man naturally looks for a role model and someone to follow. If he does not have this then it will be the media and environment that will rule his life. He will then want the latest fashion and follow what the rest of the people are doing. In worldly matters we agree that we need to have a head and senior to gain direction, but it is only in deen that we feel that there is no need to have a senior. In the past, people would just listen to what their elders had said to them without any reservations even if it was an elder brother who told the younger brother to do something.
Source: Al-Haadi