Replacement of Lost Energy through Roohaaniyyat – Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullah Alaiyh
Just as milk is physical nourishment Ilm is spiritual nourishment. And it is a rule that energy is burnt up continuously in the body and through food and nourishment the lost energy is replaced until man reaches his total lifespan.
Nevertheless, when spiritual nourishment and spirituality are dominant then physical nourishment decreases and quite significantly, to the extent that it becomes on par to nothing, or in certain cases there is no physical nourishment at all. Then too, without replacement of lost energy through food intake, man survives and stays alive. Haq Ta’ala supplies the replacement with spirituality (Roohaaniyyat) through His special succour.
To understand this, the example of an ailing person is adequate. Due to sickness and weakness the patient becomes helpless, incapacitated, debilitated and weak. He is overcome with helplessness, meekness and a state of forlornness. Hence Special Divine Mercy descends on him. Now inspite of his sickness, extreme weakness and total abstention from food, what is the reason for him not suffering that peculiar weakness which a healthy person experiences on account of hunger? The reason is simply that Haq Ta’ala supplies the replacement within him. This is not something I have conceived. It comes in the Hadeeth Shareef that Allah Ta’ala feeds and nourishes the sick person. From this we learn that the sick person receives internal source of life and strength [i.e. his energy is being replaced by Divine intervention].
Thus one who is nourished and strengthened internally and spiritually by Haq Ta’ala, what need and necessity is there for him to be regular with external and material nourishment; being dependent and unable to make do without it? [According to the strength of Roohaaniyyat of a person he can survive without food. The stronger his spiritual side is the longer duration he can endure without food and without him becoming weak and debilitated.
Accordingly, the Malaaikah are totally independent of material food due to the exceptionally strong spiritual fibre they possess. Similarly, it is said that a kaafir army marches on its stomach. Due to the kuffaar lacking in almost entirety, or in entirety, in spiritual strength their morale and physical strength are crushed when they are deprived of food.] He [the one with strong spiritual fibre] will definitely not be dependent on these material sources of nourishment and hence if he shows lack of want for any of these things; if his disposition is not inclined to any of it then he should not be forced; it should not be insisted upon him just as there is no insistence when a sick person refuses
A Heartfelt Appeal To Students by Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saheb Sherwani Quddisa Sirruhul Azeez