The Dark History of the Shias

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Dr Majdi Rab’i, an expert historian says:

I spent ten years of my life with the Shias. I studied their history, traced their legacies and influential men, and scrutinised their scuffles with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah etc.

I done this during my academic journeys to Iraq and Iran, due to which I recieved my Masters and my Doctorate in Shi’i History. For a long period, I stayed with and observed the Batini Shias, who made lawaful (for themselves) the blood of Muslims and spread Shiasm with iron and fire (i.e. extreme violence) until they forced (almost the entire) Iranian public to embrace Shiasm! They forced millions of Muslims to convert to Shiasm. Historians have recorded that one million Muslims were slaughtered by the Rawafid (the pejorative name of the Shiah). Consequently, Iran was changed from a Sunni country to a Zoroastrian and Rafidhi state.

The dark history (of the Shias) is that they even aligned themselves with the Jews and Christians against the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. It was this alliance that prevented the Ottomans from conquering the entire Europe after they had already conquered Eastern Europe and entered the the heart thereof.

They laid seige upon Vienna but the backstabbing and attacks from the rear by the Safawids forced the Ottomans to abort their seige of Vienna and return to the Eastern countries.

Thus they destroyed the chance of conquering Europe and spreading Islam amongst its people. This is the reason one of the great Western historians stated, “If it was not for the treachery of the Shi’i Safawids towards the Ottoman caliphate and their attacks from the rear, the Ottomans would have conquered the entire Europe and it would have been an Islamic continent.”

A historical fact which left me dazed and I simply could not believe that a human (even if he did not even claim to be Muslim) could perpetrate such an act, I.e. that which the Shia Qaramitah did to the Ka’bah on the Eighth of Zil-Hijjah 317 A.H. They attacked the Hujjaj and killed more than thirty thousand people. They destroyed the Zam-Zam dome, removed the door of the Ka’bah as well as its cover and they slaughtered those Hujjaj who clung onto it. Thereafter the dumped the corpses of the slain Muslims in the well of Zam-Zam. Finally, they removed the Hajar Aswad and took it to their country.

Thats when I understood the reality of Ibn Taymiyah’s statement regarding the Batini Shias. He stated that they are worse in their disbelief than the Jews and Christians and it is a greater responsibility to fight them than to fight the disbelievers, as they are in the category of renegades.

Today, as we see what is happening in Syria as far as worshipping Asad, killing and slaughtering the Ahlus Sunnah in a way that was not even done by the Jews or the Tartars, destruction and desecration of Masjids etc. I am convinced that Bashar Asad and his sect (Nusairi Alawi Shias) are from the progeny of the Batiniyyah Qaramitah.

The words of my Lord are so true, ‘They are offspring, one from the other”! It is as if history is repeating itself.

Dr Majdi Rib’i
Specialist Historian

The least that we can do at this moment is to spread these facts so the Ahlus Sunnah and the entire world emerge from (Shi’i) deception.