The Life of Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) after His Return and the Immense Barakah and Safety During His Era – The Signs of Qiyaamah

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When Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) returns to the world, the Mahdi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) will be the leader guiding the Muslims. The Mahdi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) will say to Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) that he should lead the Muslims, as he is the Nabi of Allah Ta‘ala. (Ibnu Hibbaan #6812, Fitan li-Nu’aim #1028)

The armies of the Muslims, under the leadership of Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam), will then wage war against Dajjaal and his armies. Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) will kill Dajjaal and the Muslims will be victorious in this battle.

Not long thereafter, the Mahdi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) will pass away and Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) will perform his janaazah salaah. Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) will continue to live in the ummah, practising Islam and guiding people towards Islam. Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) will get married and have children.

After some time passes, Allah Ta‘ala will release the Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj in the world. They will cause corruption and destruction in the world, wherever they go. Thereafter, Allah Ta‘ala will send down a catastrophe upon them which will cause all of them to die.

After the Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj are destroyed by Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala will send down abundant rain, causing crops to grow in abundance and animals to thrive. The people of the earth will be blessed with immense barakah at that time. Due to the barakah, the size of the fruit and crops will also increase. There will also be complete safety, to the extent that people will have no fear of being harmed by the wild and venomous animals. Disunity and fighting will also cease to exist as enmity and hatred will leave the people’s hearts.

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said:

Nabi Isa (‘alaihis salaam) will remain in my ummah as a just ruler and fair leader. He will break the cross, slaughter the swine and bring an end to jizyah (the tax levied on non-Muslim citizens in an Islamic state will no longer be levied as everyone will accept Islam). Zakaat will no longer be taken (as everyone will have sufficient wealth), so no zakaat collector will be sent to collect goats or camels. Hatred and enmity for one another will be raised from the world. The sting (and harm) will be removed from every animal that stings (or harms), until a small child will place his hand in the mouth of a snake without it harming him, and a small girl will chase a lion and it will not harm her, and a wolf will remain among goats like a shepherd dog. The earth will be filled with peace, just as a vessel is filled with water. There will be complete unity as only Allah Ta‘ala will be worshipped. War will come to an end and the Quraish will regain leadership. The earth will be like a silver platter, producing crops as it did in the era of Nabi Aadam (‘alaihis salaam), until an entire group of people will eat from one bunch of grapes and will be satiated, and an entire group of people will eat from one pomegranate and will be satiated. (Sunan Ibnu Maajah #4077)
