Zionist Propaganda 101: A Masterclass in Lies and Deception – Muslim Skepti
Zionist universal get out of jail free card
If nothing else, the recent situation with Palestine has brought something very precious to light. A hidden gem, if you will. I’m speaking of the genius propaganda tactics of the Zionists. Everyone knows that Zionists like playing their cards close to their chest, but who could have known that they were hiding such a brilliant secret from the world. It would indeed be a true shame for the world to be deprived of this invaluable knowledge.
With that in mind, we’ve decided to compile a list of the absolute greatest foolproof strategies and tactics employed by the Zionists.
To kick things off, let’s start with the most essential tool in the Zionist handbook: lying. Yep, lying is the central theme of Zionist propaganda. If you’re not able to master this art, forget even trying to trick everyone into believing you’re right. In fact, when trying to argue for a morally indefensible position, such as why it’s okay to murder thousands of innocents, the best thing to do is follow the example of Zionists like Ben Shapiro and just promote pure blatant lies. Remember these two golden rules:
- the lies MUST be as preposterous as possible; and, for some reason,
- they simply MUST involve babies.
We can see how Zionists have masterfully combined both of the above in order to lie about decapitated babies, baked babies, raped babies, baked decapitated raped babies in the womb, etc. For some reason, whether it comes to bombing Palestinian babies or lying about Israeli babies being abused and killed, Zionists are completely obsessed with babies.
Exactly what kind of strange and unique mental illness it is that compels them to falsely accuse Palestinians of killing Israeli babies while intentionally massacring thousands of Palestinian babies?
Well, that’s just this little thing called psychological projection.
You see, it’s a defense mechanism, where you accuse others of being guilty of your own personal shortcomings. In this case, it seems the Zionists are simply projecting their baby-killing tendencies onto other people. I mean, who would’ve known that it’s actually Judaic law—and not Islam—that actively encourages killing babies during times of war and for revenge?
This can be seen in 1 Samuel 15:3 and Psalm 137:9, respectively:
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” (1 Samuel 15:3)
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks. (Psalm 137:9)
But fret not, because, if you’re caught red-handed, the next step in implementing the big lie is to apologize and restore your dignity. Just kidding. Instead, what you really want to do is double down on the already ridiculous mountain of lies and fabricate evidence that is somehow worse than the actual lie itself. Spreading visibly distorted AI images that even a five-year old confidently could tell you is fake, for example, is how you fortify your lies. You also want to post as many images as possible of rooms splattered with dry red paint (or maybe ketchup) and an assortment of child related accessories such as toys, cots, baby clothes, etc., that resemble Hollywood set designs more than they do the actual scenes of a war crime. And please, whatever you do, make sure that none of the images feature any actual dead children
Then, while posting said images devoid of any actual evidence, write up captions whining about disturbing images and heartbreaking scenes. At the same time, act completely oblivious to the fact that hundreds of verified videos and images featuring horrific and shocking evidence of the genocide you’re committing are being shared online on a daily basis. In fact, remain so clueless that, in order to support Israel, you end up going as far as accidentally sharing pictures of Palestinians being brutalized and oppressed.
Stick to the lie! It doesn’t matter how much you’re ridiculed by the world. It doesn’t matter how much you expose yourself. It doesn’t matter how much of a laughingstock you make yourself. Never back down from the lies. Just like a gambling addict betting more and more, even after suffering massive losses, keep betting on those dreadful and pathetic lies somehow winning people over while obliterating your own reputation.
Playing the victim by demonizing the enemy as being evil and heartless against yourself is a pretty good tactic. But do you know what’s even better? Demonizing them as being evil and heartless against themselves! It’s not you who bombed hospitals in Gaza! It was Hamas. It’s not you who bombed refugee camps in Gaza! It was Hamas. It wasn’t you who forgot to flush the toilet! It was in fact, yep, you guessed it, Hamas. See, this is one of the amazing secrets of life that the Zionists are now graciously sharing with the rest of the world. Hamas is the root of all evil. From this point onwards, you should just always blame all of your problems on Hamas. If you’re a student, no need to ever do your homework. Just blame it on Hamas—say they ate your homework. Get caught cheating on your partner? Blame it on Hamas. Facing prison time for some crime? Say Hamas did it.
It’s a universal get out of jail free card!