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Taunting and Mocking Allah and his Deen.

When the Jews had attempted to mock Allah’s Deen and attempted to legalize fishing on the Sabat, which Allah had prohibited, Allah mocked those who made a mockery of his Deen by changing their appearance and transforming them into apes.

In today’s time we have those who have followed the footsteps of these transgressors and have sold out the priceless jewel of Islam by halaalizing free mixing, interest (Takaaful Riba fake laundering fund) and every wrong under the sun.

Just as it is prohibited to praise and innovator, the opposite is true for those who’s temperament demands such, i.e., it is commendable to deplore an innovator as a means of reducing his status in the eyes of the unwary who may fall into the trap of following him and destroy his Deen.

The Quran has allowed one to retaliate according to temperament to the amount one is wronged, therefore when one is mocked, the shariah will, as per its justice, allow for the like of its retaliation. Therefore when an individual publicly mocks the Deen of Allah by sugar coating haraam with Islamic terms and justifying transgression due to greed, the retaliation of such mockery of Allah and his Deen and its end result is none other then mockery, as the true slaves of Allah take mockery of Deen to be more severe then mockery of their own selves.

When that humiliation befalls these individual instead of taking lesson they play victim instead of rectifying the rot in their belief system.

The pious predecessors and their difference in expressing hatred for those who corrupt Deen

“The ways of the Salaf-us-Saaliheen (radhiyallahu anhum) would differ in expressing hatred for the sake of Allah towards the perpetrators of sins (i.e. private sins which do not affect or influence others). However, ALL of them reached consensus on expressing hatred for the oppressors and innovators, and all who disobeyed Allah with a sin that extends from himself to others…”

وكلهم اتفقوا على إظهار البغض للظلمة و المبتدعة وكل من عصى الله بمعصية متعدية منه إلى غيره

Imam al-Ghazali explains why the issue of condemning these charlatans who misguide the masses is more severe than it is for the Kuffaar:

“…the matter in condemning him is more severe than it is for a Kaafir, because the evil of a Kaafir does not extend [beyond himself] as Muslims believe he is a Kaafir so will pay no attention to his speech as he makes no claim for himself of being a Muslim and believing the truth. As for the innovator who propagates his innovation, and claims what he calls to is true, he is a cause for the misguidance of people, and thus his evil does extend [beyond himself]..”

في الإنكار عليه أشد منه على الكافر لأن شر الكافر غير متعد فإن المسلمين اعتقدوا كفره فلا يلتفتون إلى قوله إذ لا يدعى لنفسه الإسلام واعتقاد الحق أما المبتدع الذي يدعوا إلا البدعة ويزعم أن ما يدعو إليه حق فهو سبب لغواية الخلق فشره متعد

Hence, the Shariah demands exposing, belittling and disparaging such charlatans:

“Thus the desirability of expressing hatred of him, hostility towards him, disassociation from him and belittling him, and disparaging him for his innovation, and driving people away from him, is greater.”

فالاستحباب في إظهار بغضه ومعاداته والانقطاع عنه وتحقيره والتشنيع عليه ببدعته وتنفير الناس عنه أشد

To these individuals and organizations we say, today you mock the Muslim Ummah and Allah’s Deen with your publicity stunts, thus your downfall is around the corner by the will of Allah.

The above applies to the Ulama who have the temperament stated and not the general masses,it also applies to public deviance that effects others and not private sins

“If you ridicule us, then we will ridicule you just as you ridicule.”(Surah Hud 11:38)