The Shahaadat of Hazrat Nablasi (rahmatullah alayh)
Torture is an integral component of kufr. It is not an act which has been discovered by Bush & Co. Even so-called Muslim rulers of bygone times had perpetrated the most horrendous acts of brutality on Muslims, especially on Ulama who acted in accordance with Rasulullah’s command: “The noblest Jihad is to proclaim the Truth in the presence of a tyrannical ruler.”
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Bakr Ibn Nablasi Shaheed (rahmatullah alayh) was among the outstanding Fuqaha and Muhadditheen of his time. He was a renowned Wali and a dazzling exponent of the Haqq. Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar (commanding virtue and prohibiting vice) was his profession. His unswerving proclamation of the Haqq brought him into collision with the ruling forces of Egypt.
Haafiz Abu Zar narrates that the Banu Faatimi (Fatimide) rulers had arrested Hadhrat Imaam Abu Bakr Muhammad Nablasi (rahmatullah alayh) and executed brutally. Describing the brutal execution by torture of this great Martyr of Islam, Imaam Daar Qutni had sobbed profusely while narrating this heart-rending episode.
Abul Farj Ibnul Farj narrated that the governor of Egypt, Abu Tameem, after arresting Imaam Abu Bakr, had him paraded in chains in the streets. During this exercise of humiliation, the evil satanic governor asked: “What, did you say that if you had a man who had ten arrows, then it would be obligatory on him to shoot one arrow towards Rome and nine arrows on me?” Hadhrat Imaam Abu Bakr Nablasi (rahmatullah alayh) fearlessly responded: “No! I did not say so. What I said was: ‘If the man had ten arrows, then it would be obligatory on him to strike you with nine arrows, then also shoot the tenth arrow on to you. You have destroyed the Ummah and have murdered the Saaliheen. You have claimed to possess the Light of Divinity.”
Fuming with uncontrollable rage, Abu Tameem, the governor struck Hadhrat Nablasi (rahmatullah alayh) with his sword. While this noble Imaam was still alive, the governor instructed a Yahudi to skin him alive. The brutal process of skinning was initiated from on top of the Imaam’s head. Even when the skin had been pulled off the face, Hadhrat Nablasi (rahmatullah alayh) continued with Thikrullah and Sabr. He was reciting the Qur’aanic verse: “This has been recorded in the Kitaab.” That is, it is part of Taqdeer decreed by Allah Azza Wa Jal. There was no panic, no despondency and no fear.
Not a moan, not a groan of pain emerged from his blessed lips throughout this brutal satanic exercise of torture. When the skin reached his mubaarak (blessed) breast, even the torturer was overwhelmed with horror. He thrust his dagger into the mubaarak heart of Sayyiduna Imaam Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Nablasi Shaheed (rahmatullah alayh), and the glorious Soul of this illustrious Heir of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) soared into the celestial realms of Martyrdom into eternal Serenity.
It has been reliably narrated that throughout the process of the torturous skinning, the recitation of the Qur’aan Majeed was emanating from his blessed body. Allah’s Rahmat on him. May Allah Ta’ala grant us maghfirah through the medium of this great Imaam of the Deen, who offered his life at the altar of Islam defending its Aqaaid (Beliefs) and A’maal (Practices) against the satanic forces of shaitaan, Aameen.
Al Haq no 35