Who is winning the war in Palestine? It’s not the IDF!

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Well, I can tell you it’s certainly not Israel. While I was scrolling through the X files yesterday, I came across a few pitiful tweets sent by demoralised, injured reservists serving in the IDF, currently billed as the most moral army in the world.

No one believes the “most moral” tag for one moment after the genocide unfolding by the day in Gaza, but Israel’s military is not only losing the war against Hamas, it is just short of becoming an international laughing stock.

Much of the laughter has been generated by the IDF’s none too slick PR department and its jaded Pinocchio-in-chief Mark Regev. The mouthpieces for Tel Aviv have such a long-distance relationship with the truth it’s a wonder they don’t wear oxygen masks during briefings as well as non-combustible liar-liar-pants-on-fire trousers!

The pitiful tweet I refer to was in Hebrew and sent by one of 20 injured members of a tank platoon. Curious, I relied on Google Translate to inform me the injured soldiers – all but three members of an entire platoon – were so distressed and agitated. It emerged they were about to have a VIP visit from none other than the Liar-in-Chief himself – Benjamin Netanyahu.

Each one was asked by nurses if they were up for a visit and virtually all refused to see the Israeli leader at the Hassanah rehab unit in northern Israel. It seems not even his soldiers can bear to be in the same room as the psychotic leader. I recently described him as the most dangerous man in the world and I stand by that description based on the fact he’s also Israel’s biggest loser.

The majority of the Israeli population still hold him responsible for 7 October and some of his main detractors are sitting in his war cabinet where any attempts to expand operations are constantly turned down or rejected.


Since 7 October the most moral army in the world has:

DISPLACED 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza;

BLITZED schools, hospitals and UN buildings;

KILLED more than 100 journalists and a record number of UN workers;

STRIPPED, humiliated and paraded scores of professional doctors, medics, journalists and managers pretending them to be captured Hamas fighters;

LOOTED and robbed small businesses while posing on TikTok;

ABUSED captured and blindfolded Palestinians on camera;

URINATED on prisoners in their care;

DUG up corpses in Muslim and Christian cemeteries.

These accusations can’t be disputed because the fools have all videoed themselves and uploaded grotesque images of their abuse on social media networks.

This has made it increasingly difficult for British political leaders like Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak to continue their undiluted support for the Zionist State. Not only is Netanyahu’s increasingly belligerent and war criminal behaviour causing concern in London but the Biden Administration is also becoming increasingly nervous.

As Israel’s main sponsor, the Americans must be beginning to question the value of funding the fourth largest and sophisticated army in the world. From the evidence seen so far, it looks like the orphans making up Al-Qassam Brigades are running circles around the Israeli military in the same way the Taliban humiliated the US, UK and other NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Nearly one-fifth of the 167 Israeli soldiers killed so far have died as a result of so-called “friendly fire”.

The mastermind credited with 7 October and the predicted war to follow has also been “killed” at least nine times by Israel but Muhammad Deif, known by his friends as the “living martyr” keeps bouncing back like the legendary Scarlet Pimpernel.

The industrial military complex which makes billions of dollars a year at arms fairs around the world must be looking on with huge concern because we are all beginning to learn that good soldiering has nothing to do with top guns and everything to do with military stealth, brains and strategy.

Former UN Weapons Inspector and ex-US Marine Scott Ritter knows the value of a highly trained army. The author, international relations analyst and former intelligence officer who served as a military analyst during Operation Desert Storm has been scathing about the quality of IDF forces.

“Hamas planned and executed the greatest military raid in modern history – audacity, complexity and success,” said Ritter as he described the daring raids by Hamas fighters. Praising their military stealth through “500 kilometres of tunnels” Ritter mocked the Israeli forces for being so “ill-disciplined” and accused the IDF soldiers of “running scared”.

Speaking in his characteristic blunt way, the American sneered: “Hamas is beating the living crap out of the IDF.”

His view was shared by the former IDF ex-Chief of General Staff of the Israeli military, Dan Halutz, who on 26 December said that the sole victory to be achieved in the war is the ousting of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Far from Hamas being condemned by the Palestinians, many hold the view that if Palestine held elections tomorrow, Hamas would sweep to a political victory as well with more than 70 per cent of the vote.

The other biggest loser in all of this is the US Navy which has just realised that the Straits of Hormuz is nothing more than a giant death trap set by the previously under-rated Houthis who are creating a global nightmare for multi-million pound shipping companies.
