Fleeing From All Types Of Sins And Giving Practical Expression To Ilm
Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has mentioned that some people are outwardly pious, practicing on virtuous deeds and abstaining from sins. However, despite their piety, they associate with the transgressors and participate in their acts of disobedience. They feebly justify their stance with the argument of trying to avoid disunity with family and friends.
There are others who do not participate in acts of transgression but do not have a detestation for the evil acts which they observe. They live together with the disobedient people in the manner of dissolved sugar (as sugar dissolves in water). They do not abstain from the evil of the transgressors nor do they express any detestation for the violations of Shariah.
For people of piety and learning, to maintain silence in the face of transgression is sinful because they do not object to the commission of sins.
Deprived Of The Supplications Of The Angels
Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has mentioned that a severe consequence of disobedience is where one is prevented from having the Malā’ikah (angels) ask for his forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله. It is stated in the Kalaamullāh:
“Those who bear the Arsh, and those around it proclaim the praise of their Lord, and believe in Him, and they ask forgiveness for those who believe; ‘O Lord, You embrace everything in mercy and knowledge. Therefore forgive those who have repented, and follow Your way, and guard them against the torment of Hell.'”
(Surah Al-Mu’min: 8)
Hazrat Thaanwi رحمه الله has stressed that we notice how clearly this verse states that the Malā’ikah (angels) ask forgiveness of their Lord for the Muslims who follow the way laid out for them by Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله the Most High. How will it be possible for the one who refuses to travel that way to receive this blessing?
Can we really afford to be deprived? May Allah Ta’ala جل جلاله guide us towards submission and save us from obstinacy.
The Salf-e-Saaliheen did not restrict themselves to academic discourses. They would derive practical benefit from the Qur’aan and Ahaadith. On the other hand, those of later times indulged more in academic exposition of theories. For example, according to the Hadith, Allah Ta’ala descends to the first heaven in the last portion of the night. On the basis of this Hadith the Salf-e-Saaliheen engaged more in worship during this time of the night. They did not indulge in theoretical discussion regarding this Hadith. They were not concerned with the manner of Divine Descent. They did not ask: ‘Since Allah is not a physical body, how does he descend?’ They were not concerned with theories and abstract arguments.