Ilm-e-Deen – Knowledge of the Deen- A Lifetime Occupation – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Allah Ta’ala’s Appreciation

Subhaanallah! Look at the virtue of Ilm of the Deen! Truly, Allah Ta’ala looks just for an excuse to forgive. In this regard at one place in the Qur’aan Allah Ta’ala says:

If you are grateful, that is, you bring Imaan then what is Allah going to do punishing you? (Surah Nisaa, 147)

In other words, there is no benefit to Allah in punishing you. Further He says:

“Allah Ta’ala is exceptionally grateful and omniscient.”

He knows everything. He knows who has Imaan and who does not. And He is appreciative of every Mu-min’s Imaan. This Aayat is so rich in meaning. He did not say that if you do not bring Imaan then He will punish you. Rather, He says that what is He going to get out of punishing you? Those who understand the language and expression can understand the richness and depth of this statement.

What benefit does Allah Ta’ala get in punishing us? He is ever ready to forgive. There should just be someone who wishes to be forgiven. There was an idol-worshipper. Every day he used to worship his idol. For years and years he would say: “Sanam! Sanam!” [Sanam means ‘idol’.] One day, unmindfully, instead of ‘Sanam’ the word ‘Samad’ came from his tongue. [‘Samad’ is the name of Allah Ta’ala.] Immediately he heard a voice saying: “I am present My servant.” The voice brought tears to his eyes and he took the idol and threw it away saying: “Wretched idol! For years I have been calling you and you never ever responded. I sacrifice my life for that Allah Whom I was indifferent to for all these years and just once His Name slipped from my tongue and He turned to me at once.”

No Reason for Despondency

Dear Friends! When an idol-worshipper gets such attention through mistakenly taking Allah’s Name, do you think that Allah Ta’ala will not turn to Muslims who call Him?” If Muslims desire to please Allah Ta’ala then He will most certainly turn to them. Make the intention to please Allah Ta’ala and you will see. By Allah Ta’ala it is a matter of: “Return! Return! Whatever you are, return! Even if you are an infidel or fire-worshipper, return. This Portal of Ours is not a portal of despondency. Even if you have broken your taubah a hundred times, return.”

So what a great benefit there is in Ilm-e-Deen; with it the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala is obtained. Therefore, this chain should never be broken. And if it breaks, then fix it and continue studying. If anyone cannot study regularly then learn irregularly. This is better than not learning at all. Continue in this manner. Insha-Allahu Ta’ala, one day order will fall in place in your study.

Moulana Roomi (Rahmatullahi alaih) is a great sage. He doesn’t leave the Saalik in despondency in any condition. He says that if you aren’t punctual with your Zikr and Shaghl (Spiritual Exercises) and you cannot find rhythm then continue in that haphazard and sporadic manner. Your Friend [Allah Ta’ala] loves that as well. Further he advances such a beautiful proof for this. He says that a haphazard effort is better than sleeping. This person is trying whilst the one who has dropped out is doing nothing.

(Ta’meemut Ta’leem by Hazrat Moulana Thanwi Rahmatullahi Alaih)

Part 3 to follow Insha-Allah