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Ta’leem and Tarbiyat Series #1

“We only worship You (Allah) and we request assistance only from You.”

(Surah Faatihah, 4)

Q. “We request assistance only from You,” expresses seeking of assistance from Allah Ta’ala exclusively, whereas in our daily routine we ask help from others?

A. The Aayat implies that we should not ask help from someone thinking of that person to be independent of Allah. It is permissible to take aid from others in things within their volition as it is obvious that they are not independent. Everyone knows that let Allah Ta’ala just incapacitate that person, then he will be helpless to save himself. (Ashrafut Tafaaseer)

Comment: It is not permissible to seek aid or assistance from creation in matters totally beyond the will and control of creation. In such matters, making du’aa unto Allah is the only solution. It is permissible to seek creation’s assistance in matters which Allah Ta’ala has given creation a degree of control and option provided that one understands and believes that the action of that creation is determined by the Will of Allah Jalla wa Alaa.

Hadeeth and Sunnah

Hazrat Hasan Bin Ali (Radhiyallahu anhuma) said: “I asked my maternal uncle, Hind Bin Abu Haalah about the physical features of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). He would frequently describe him and I cherished the hope of clinging to the information he divulges. He thus described Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as being august, esteemed, having a face as radiant as the full moon, above average height, not lanky or a giant, having a fairly large head, fairly straight hair…” (Nashrut Teeb)

Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

“There are two blessings a great many are fleeced of; physical health and peace of mind.”

(Mishkaat, Kitaabur Riqaaq)

Comment: Many people are not aware of the value of these two blessings. Thus, in these two conditions they do not reap good deeds sufficient for their needs in the next world. They will therefore be smitten with regret over squandering  their lives when they lose these blessings. But, then, regret will not avail them. (Mirqaat)

Fiqh and Masaail

  • The Fuqaha have written that it is not permissible to call someone “Razzaaq” in view of the word “Razzaaq” being used in the Qur’aan and Hadeeth solely for Allah Jalla Shaanuhu. “Abdur Razzaaq” should be said.
  • The Muslim community is responsible for paying the wages or contributing to the salary of the Ulama who are committed and confined to Deeni service to the community. It is, however, not permissible to stipulate a fee specifically for a bayaan/lecture [fatwa, etc]. Yes, it is permissible for those who are confined on account of their teaching and propagational activities to take wages. In the absence of this the whole structure of Islamic education and propagation will collapse and Deen in entirety will be destroyed.

(Ashraful Ahkaam)

Tasawwuf and Sulook

The Nature of Divine Love and Its Stages

Divine Love, in actual fact, is attraction of the heart. This stage is a natural development and it is not decreed. It is, however, a blessing and a divine gift.

Among the effects of that attraction is to give preference to the Pleasure of the Beloved (Allah) over the pleasure of the non-beloved (creation). This is  rational love and decreed by the Shariah.

Then there are categories in this preference considering the object of preference. One category is to give preference to Imaan over kufr. This is the most basic requirement and stage of Divine Love. Minus this, a person is not a Mu’min.

Other categories are preferences of Ahkaam (Divine Commandments) over prohibitions. And the stages of these preferences hinge on the stages of the Ahkaam, some being intermediate and waajib, whilst others may be of a elevated degree and mustahab.
