Late-Night Sleeping & The Teachings Of Deen
Regarding the wonderful Ni’mat (Bounty) of sleep, Allah Ta’ala says in His Kalaam: “And We made your sleep a means of rest. And We have made the night a drape (covering the earth in darkness of tranquillity)” (Surah Naba, Aayaat 9 and 10)
In many other places in the Qur’an Majeed Allah Ta’ala speaks about sleep. Truly, the Divine Bounty of sleep is indeed magnificent, yet we have taken it for granted.
Many of us have abused this bounty of sleep, especially the youth. Youngsters – boys and girls – squander their time in the darkness of the night in futility and even Haraam. Digital gadgets/screens, browsing the net, watching online videos and films, watching sports, playing online games, or just chatting with people on various social media platforms are some of the things the youth get involved in, in the darkness of the nights which in turns makes them sleep pass midnight. All of this at the unimaginable cost of either risking the performance of their FARDH Fajr Salaah or missing it totally.
Islam and the Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) have not left us ‘in the dark’ regarding the night. A Muslim should endeavour to spend his / her night the Sunnah way in order to gain maximum benefit. For indeed, there is nothing but benefit in following the Precious and Golden Sunnats of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Even the Kuffar have benefitted from our way of life which we have lost – the way of the Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Thus, we find a saying in English which reads in the following similar words, ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes one healthy, wealthy and wise.’
Analysing this saying:
The ‘early to bed’ is from the Sunnah, as Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) taught the Ummah to retire early to bed after Esha Salaah which will make it easy upon one to awaken for at least Fajr Salaah. And this (awakening for Fajr Salaah, especially in summer) is the very next part of the saying which is worded as ‘early to rise’! If one awakens for Tahajjud Salaah then what can be said! Subhaanallah!
The Sunnah also proves the last part of the English saying, viz. ‘makes one healthy, wealthy and wise’. A Hadith Shareef makes mention of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)’s Du’a for the early mornings of the Ummah. Read the following Du’a to see what a wonderful boon it is to awaken early and to start one’s day early:
“O Allah! Bless my Ummah in the early part of the day.” When Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would send out an expedition or army, he would send them out in the first part of the day. The narrator of this Hadith himself was a trader and used to send out his goods in the early part of the day. As a result, he became wealthy and possessed much wealth. (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi, Ibn Maajah)
This brings to mind another saying in English which reads as follows, ‘The early bird catches the worm’. And precisely does the Hadith Shareef prophesize this! Starting one’s day early – which cannot easily be achieved if we squander the night in futility and Haraam – will earn one Barkat in the activities we do. Opening one’s shop early, going to work early, or for the housewife to start in the kitchen early will see Barkat in the work. And starting early cannot be easily achieved if we sleep very late!
Some of The Golden Teachings of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding the night are as follows:
- Retire early to bed after Esha
- Awaken for Tahajjud Salaah and engage in some Nafl, Du’a, Zikr and Tilaawat
- If one cannot awaken for Tahhajud, at least make an intention to do so
- Perform one’s Esha Salaah (for men) with Jamaat. This will earn one the reward of Ibaadat of half the night.
- Perform one’s Fajr Salaah (for men) with Jamaat in the Masjid. This will earn one the reward of Ibaadat for the second half of the night
- The above two points will earn one the reward of spending the entire night in Ibaadat!
- Sleep with Wuzu. A person retiring to bed in the state of Wuzu is protected by special Angels the entire night. When he/she awakens in the middle of the night and makes Du’a, his Du’as are accepted. Such a persons Rooh goes to the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala where it makes Sajdah before Allah Ta’ala. All this for sleeping in the state of Wuzu!
- Walking to the Masjid (for men) in the darkness (i.e. Esha and Fajr time) will give one perfect and complete Light (Noor) on the Day of Qiyaamah.
- Avoid and abstain from Samr after Esha. Samr is translated as ‘to chat in the night’. This means to engage in futile talks, jokes, shows, etc. after Esha. One should avoid all types of ‘panchaat’ (useless talk) after Esha as this will lead to sleeping late thereby having difficulties to wake up for Fajr Salaah.
- To recite the Masnoon Surahs – Surah Mulk, Surah Sajdah, etc. before retiring to bed. Also, to recite Aayatul-Kursi and the three Quls and to blow on oneself before sleeping.
The Ulama have mentioned that spending time with one’s family (wife, kids and parents) after Esha is permissible provided one doesn’t get involved in any Haraam activities.
Sleeping early after Esha is physically healthy which the doctors may allude to. Experts suggest that the best sleeping-time hours are the hours slept before midnight. The best quality of rest is achieved by the body in the hours of sleep before midnight.
Our beloved Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) for whom our lives may be sacrificed already taught the Ummah about this by making it a Sunnah to retire to bed early after Esha! Engaging in futility, which includes jokes, comedy shows, films and movies, screen-time, etc. till late-night, is destructive and detrimental to one’s spiritual health and physical health. Late sleeping at night contributes to the empty Masaajid Fajr time!