“The Palestinians Are The Best People on Earth at Defending their Homelands.” – Israeli newspaper “Haaretz”.

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Editorial of the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz”.
Titled; “The Palestinians are the best people on earth at defending their homelands.”

Do you believe that the editorial of the largest Israeli newspaper today tells the truth about the Palestinians, and that they are one of the best peoples on earth who rose to defend their rights after seventy-five years, as if they were one man. Continue the article until you know how much they know the truth: It is the editorial of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Translated into Arabic: One of the rarest things that a living conscience exudes, the most beautiful thing that intellectual freedom flourishes with, and the best thing that yields fruit with a margin of mastery. Read what the writer says: During the war on Gaza and the launching of resistance missiles at us. Every three days, we lose $912 million in aircraft sorties, the price of Patriot missiles, fueling vehicles… and the consumption of ammunition and missiles of all kinds…
Not to mention the disruption of commercial activity, the decline of the stock market, the cessation of most institutions and construction work, complete paralysis in all areas of agriculture, the death of poultry of all kinds on farms worth tens of millions of dollars, the disruption of some airports, some train lines, and the cost of feeding. Those fleeing to shelters
Not to mention the destruction of homes, shops, cars, and factories, by Palestinian resistance missiles.
We are exposed to a war that we are the ones who started, fueled, and ignited its fire
But we are not the ones running it
Of course, we are not the ones to end it
And its end is not in our interest, especially since the Arab cities in Israel surprised everyone with this massive revolution against us after we thought they had lost their Palestinian compass.
This is a bad omen for the country whose politicians were certain that their calculations were all wrong… and that their policies needed a horizon beyond what they thought about.
They are truly the owners of the land, and who other than the owners of the land would defend it with themselves, their property, and their children with such ferocity, pride, and defiance?
As a Jew, I challenge the entire State of Israel to achieve this affiliation and this attachment and rootedness to the land…
If our people had adhered to the land of Palestine, we would not have seen what we saw of the immigration of Jews in such huge numbers at the airports. They have been rushing to emigrate since the beginning of the war.
After we made the Palestinians taste our woes of killing, imprisonment, siege, and separation, and we drowned them with drugs and invaded their ideas with nonsense that distances them from their religion, such as liberation, atheism, suspicion of Islam, corruption, homosexuality…etc.
But the strange thing is that one of them is a drug addict, but he rises in defense of his land and its lands, as if he were an old man with a turban, and his voice neighed, “God is great.”
In addition, they know what awaits them in terms of humiliation, humiliation, and the arrest of some, and they have never hesitated to go to perform prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The armies of countries, fully equipped, did not dare do what the Palestinian resistance did in a few days…
The mask of the invincible Israeli soldier fell, and he began to be killed and kidnapped
As long as Tel Aviv has tasted the resistance’s missiles, it is better to give up our false dream of Greater Israel, and the Palestinians must have a neighboring state that makes peace with us, and we make peace with it, and this only prolongs our survival on this land by a few years…
I believe that even after a thousand years, if we are able to continue for the next ten years as a Jewish state, a day must come when we pay the entire bill.
The Palestinian will be resurrected again, and again, and again, and one time he will come riding his horse, heading towards Tel Aviv.)
The Israeli journalist’s article ended

Work to publish it extensively before it is deleted, as it is a rare and extremely important article, and it has positive effects on our Arab peoples, negative effects on our enemies, and may have a positive effect on sycophants.

“And He (Allah) is with you wherever you are.” (Qur’aan Majeed)

Hadhrat Uthmaan Abul Khairee (rahmatullah alayh) said: “Be in the suhbat of Allah with utmost reverence, awe and fear.”

Suhbat means company, companionship. A Muslim is in the suhbat of Allah Ta’ala 24 hours of the day, for the Qur’aan Majeed states that Allah Ta’ala is with you wherever you are. When in the company of seniors, it is obvious that a person will show respect and conduct himself with decorum.

Allah Ta’ala is the Most Senior of all seniors. There is no senior greater than Him. He is our Rabb Who is constantly with us, hence He says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “We are closer to you than your jugular vein.” It is an integral part of Imaan to believe as the Qur’aan states that Allah is with us at all times. Undoubtedly, every Muslim believes so. No Muslim has the slightest doubt in this belief. The slightest doubt of Allah’s constant presence with us will negate Imaan.

Despite this belief, the Muslim sins flagrantly and recklessly. If he is in the presence of people, he refrains from committing sinful and disgraceful acts because he understands that people are watching him, and should he commit a lewd or sinful act in their presence, he will be humiliated. Yet, the very same Muslim who professes belief in Allah’s constant suhbat and who refrains from disgraceful and sinful conduct in the presence of people, has no qualms about sinning in the Presence of Allah Ta’ala.

We are constantly in Allah’s suhbat, yet we sin flagrantly while our senses are intact and fully operative. Why is this so? This attitude indicates that our belief in Allah’s presence is mere lip service. It is a dead belief which is devoid of reality. It is so dead that we are bereft of the vivid perception of Allah’s Presence, hence we sin when alone without compunction. But we believe that Allah Ta’ala is Present, and the two Recording Angels are constantly present recording every act we commit.

It is absolutely necessary to instil life in our Aqeedah (Belief). Only then shall we vividly perceive the Presence of Allah Azza Wa Jal. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) defining the meaning of Ihsaan said that if you cannot worship Allah Ta’ala as if you are seeing Him, then at least know that He is seeing and watching you. Therefore, be on your guard and conduct yourself with dignity, decorum and fear in the suhbat of Allah Ta’ala, Rabbul Aalameen.

To instil life into our dead beliefs, Muhaasabah (Reckoning) and Muraaqabah (Meditation) are essential. It is an essential requisite of the Mu’min’s moral and spiritual training programme to daily take a reckoning of his own deeds. Every night sit in seclusion and engage in Muhaasabah, or do so while lying in bed at night. Meditate on the events of the entire day. Think what you had said and what you had done throughout the day. When recalling a good act, express shukr to Allah Ta’ala for the bounty, and when a sinful or a futile act or word comes to mind, be remorseful and recite Istighfaar. Then meditate on Maut, the Qabr and Aakhirah.

Constancy in Muhaasabah and Muraaqabah will, Insha’Allah, create life – a noor – in the heart by means of which you will vividly perceive the Presence of Allah Ta’ala. When this stage of Ihsaan is attained, abstention from sin and futility will not pose any struggle whatsoever. When the evil nafs makes demands, say to yourself: Am I not a Mu’min in Allah’s suhbat? The Recording Angels are standing right in front of me.