Worry about the Islaah of Children – Part 3
Allot time for the Tarbiat of children lest they lose all the Islamic qualities
Only if the parents get the fikr (care and concern) of tarbiat of their children today! The parents don’t even have time for the children. Just like a tree gets dried if not taken care of, even the tree of Imaan gets dry when not taken care of. Do people care what their young daughter and son is doing? Do they ever care if azmat of Allah ﷻ is in their heart, importance of salah and following sunnah are in their hearts? It is possible that the tree of Imaan has completely been destroyed within their hearts. Just because a child has Muslim parents, it is not necessary that the child would be a Muslim. One should keep checking if there is freshness of Imaan in the heart of a child, what sort of environment he stays in and what sort of life he is leading. The children are the greatest blessings. Even the Prophets (Peace be on them) used to ask for children but they asked for righteous children. “Ya bunayya innaha in taku mithqaala Habbatin min khardalin fatakun fee Sakhratin aw fis-samaawaati aw fil arDi yati bihaa Allaahu innallaaha lateefun khabeer” “O my dear son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Verily, Allah is Subtle (in bringing out that grain), Well-Aware (of its place).” The father said, “O My son. Lead a life of cautiousness. Even if a sin was committed by you to the size of a mustard seed or committed when alone or in solitude or in darkness or deep in the bottom of the sea or behind the mountain or a tree in a jungle, know that even these sins will become manifest before your eyes tomorrow.” This father is placing the azmat of Allah ﷻ in the heart of his child. He ﷻ is always with you. “maa yakoonu min najwaa thalaathatin illaa huwa raabiAAuhum walaa khamsatin illaa huwa saadisuhum walaa adna min dhaalika walaa akthara illaa huwa maAAahum ayna maa kaanoo” “There is no Najwa (secret counsel) of three but He is their fourth nor of five but He is their sixth nor of less than that or more but He is with them wheresoever they may be.”
The effect of Tarbiat in the Muslims of past
Allah ﷻ has put sattaariat (screen) on our sins and evils. Our inner is so worst but He ﷻ has screened it with beautiful outer appearance. Glory to Allah! But never commit sins with over-confidence on this quality of Allah ﷻ and never be too deceived for if Allah ﷻ lifts this screen, you will become a scene for this whole world. All the screens of nobility will vanish in few minutes and the reality will become apparent. The tarbiat of Muslims used to reflect and show its effect even in the shepherds in jungle. When a Sahabi wanted to test a shepherd in a jungle, he asked the shepherd if he could give him a sheep. The shepherd told that he cannot give the sheep for it belongs to his master. The Sahabi told him to get money from him and give him the sheep so he can slaughter and eat and the master is not here to watch him. The shepherd replied that his mater might not be here to watch him but the master of Dunya, Allah ﷻ is watching him. Place this azmat of Allah ﷻ in the heart of the children that Allah ﷻ is watching them all the time. As the Muslims worried for their children’s tarbiat, they used to allot time for them and take them to good environment like good religious educational institutes. Even today people take their children to educational institutes but only to make them a money earning machine and instruments of dunya. They don’t even care if the child earns in a haram way or a halal way. They only want them to earn money even be it haram. Children are thrown in such institutes where they learn somehow to earn and to make money.
The powerful verse of Allah ﷻ
“walladheena kafaroo yatamattaAAoona wayakuloona kamaa takulu alanAAm.” “While those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat”. The fikr of only eating and drinking and the standard of such a living is the way of only kuffar. The life of Muslims used to be based on “Innallaaha huwa Ar-razzaaq dhul quwwatil mateen.” “For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance,- Lord of Power,- Steadfast (for ever)”. This is such a powerful verse. It is the worry of livelihood that makes the righteousness of even deeni people end in markets. How many parents distance their children from Allah ﷻ because of the fikr of livelihood! Allah ﷻ is making them understand with these strong words, “Innallaaha huwa Ar-razzaaq dhul quwwatil mateen” Even raaziq is enough to emphasize and there is no need of huwa but Allah ﷻ is using ‘huwa’ here to make it strong. Again Razzaaq is a strong word but it is made much stronger with Alif-laam at its beginning. Allah ﷻ didn’t stop here but continued with stronger word zul quwwa and still made stronger and stronger with Al-Mateen. Allahu Alkbar! How strong this Arabic verse is cannot be explained by another language. Allah ﷻ knows well the nafs that livelihood can become a fitna for the man and that is why He ﷻ is advising with strong words here. When He ﷻ can feed cats and dogs, can’t He ﷻ feed His ﷻ slaves? I swear on Allah ﷻ that even if one morsel of food is written for me by Allah ﷻ, even if the whole world gathers to snatch it, none can snatch it and if the whole world decides to give me one morsel of food that my Maula didn’t write for me, then none can feed me that morsel. This is clearly destined. “Allahummaa innee as’aluka eemaanan yubaashiru qalbee wa yaqeenan Saadiqan Hattaa a’Alama annahoo yuseebunee illaa maa katabta lee wariDham minal ma’EEshati bimaa qasamtalee”. “O Allah! I ask You for eemaan which is firmly attached to my heart and true conviction till I realize that nothing can afflict me except which You have written for me. And (I ask You) contentment with that which You have apportioned to me of livelihood.” He ﷻ is Hakeem, Raheem and also Rahmaan and I can’t have better livelihood than He ﷻ has written for me.