THREE CATEGORIES OF INSAN – Hadhrat Maseehulllah رحمه الله

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This Insan, therefore, has three possibilities:
(a) He is completely useless;
(b) He is neither completely useless nor is he of full use;
(c) He is of full use.

Let us take each category in turn.

(a) That Insan who is completely useless, one who has deviated completely from the purpose for which he has been created, who does not have the capacity within him to fulfil the object for which he has been created, is the gair-Mu’min (non-Muslim).

(b) In the second category is that person who is partially fulfilling his objective, but not fully so. Let him be as yet. He has the potential within him to accept Haq. Therefore, he is not without hope. There is a glimmer of hope, because one sees that, at times, he does accept the Haq and he does practice according to the Haq. There is promise in him. He is to be valued – he has the potential for qabىliat (acceptance). Yet, this much is quite obvious that an object is a failure and is useless in proportion to the degree it fails to achieve the basic objective and purpose for which it has been created.

(c) In this third category is that Insan who steadily, correctly and fully fulfils the purpose for which he has been created. This Insan attains the desired qurb (closeness) and the desired qabىliat,
and he has attained firmness and also a great value.So, Insan has different levels of attainment.

Source: For Friends part 6