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       Words From Within 

This is a war of spirituality versus materialism.

A war of the power of Imaan and Qur’an versus the power of wealth.

It is beyond human intellect to comprehend the genocide in Gaza which the world is currently witnessing. The amount of wealth, influence and authority being used to annihilate the Palestinian people, who have literally no physical help or assistance whatsoever from anyone, is beyond words.

It’s been over a hundred and twenty days of genocide and yet the Palestinians keep on displaying their resilience due to their power of Imaan and Qur’an.

The first words a person utters after being rescued from the rubble, covered in blood and dust, are ‘Allah is sufficient for us’ shows the power of Imaan…

A person whose entire family, the near and the dear ones, lost in a blink of an eye, is seen praising and thanking Allah, is a clear sign of the power of Imaan…

Children as well as adults going through surgical procedures, without anaesthesia, continue reciting the Qur’an, obviously are indicating the power of Imaan…

Yasin (RPG) 105, a handmade, shoulder held weapon, destroying a huge Merkava Tank worth millions clearly shows the power of Imaan…

Proclamation of the Shahada, dying in the position of Sajda (prostration), as a martyr, the smell of musk emanating from the body are all signs of a death coveted by every believer. Such a beautiful death is only possible with the power of Iman…

Thousands of people converting to Islam just by seeing the resilience and faith of Palestinians, is an eye-opening sign of the great power of Iman …

A superpower with all its latest AI weapons, wealth and authority brought to its knees by those who are excessively deprived of the dire basic needs and rights of life yet whose resilience goes unmatched, surely displays the power of Imaan…

This surely without a shred of doubt is a wake-up call for the entire humanity especially the Muslim Ummah, to introspect and question ourselves – How much of my time, energy and resources am I utilising to gather wealth, power, name and fame, for this temporary life and how much am I focusing on building my Imaan, correcting my connection with my Creator, reading and pondering over the words of the Holy Quran, focusing and preparing my never-ending life of the Hereafter. Will I be fortunate enough to have by me the power of Imaan?


Allah knows best.

by: Haqqseeker