Our Duty To Proclaim The Haq
Prior to the propagation of Islam, the people of Makkah gave Rasulullah (صلى هللا عليه وسلم) the titles of ‘Saadi’ (the truthful one) and ‘Ameen’ (the honest one). But, when he commenced to proclaim the greatest truth – Tauheed – all turned away from him in anger. Did he abuse anyone or misappropriate the wealth of
In fact, he merely proclaimed a truth which did not appeal to the fancies of the people. Recognition of the truth, reflecting on the proofs and adherence to the natural truth are the obligations of a healthy – minded and intelligent person. The truth is such that it courts the wrath and displeasure of people, hence
when Rasulullah (صلى هللا عليه وسلم) told them to expel the 360 idols in the Ka’bah, they all became his enemies.
It is our duty merely to proclaim the Haqq whether it is bitter or sweet to people I once again repeat that if the Hadith: “A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.” is always kept in mind with a view to acting according to its instruction, this earthly life will be transformed into happiness and peace while colossal benefit in the Aakhirah will be reaped.
I now conclude my talk. Make dua that Allah Ta’ala grants us ability to practice the prescriptions of the
Shariah. It devolves on us to make a firm resolution and to strive in our Deen acts while at the same time not
forgetting to supplicate (make dua) to Allah Ta’ala.
Extracted from “ISLAM AND PEACE FOR ALL”, a wa’z (lecture) of Hadhrat Maulana Mohammed
Masihullah Khan (rahmatullahi alayh)