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Mega-Hypocrisy amongst Hajees, Huffaz, Muftis, Molanas, ‘custodians of Shariah’, self-proclaimed protectors of Islam, nominal, Friday and Eid Muslims, a la carte Islamicists, as well as pseudo-Muslims, is now unprecedented and knows no bounds.  Allah is the judge of all our actions, intentions and public “pseudo-despair” of care for the Palestinians.  We only care about our material gains at the end of the day, hallmarked by demonstrable, supreme hypocrisy.   Nobody matters, nothing is important, even Islam, it is “I, Me and ME” that matters, nothing else.

…  This is done while they jet off to 15th Umrah, the three Haram tours, to our first Qibla, which was repeatedly desecrated, since the 03rd January 2023, by the Yahudis and we, South Africans, did NOT utter a word of objection.  In addition, we proceed to tenth Haj, after transgressing  the entire year, adding to the revenues of the Yahudis, so that they can kill more Palestinians and oppress greater numbers of the followers of Islam, globally, while their enslaved workers and staff are languishing in poverty, disease and severe financial constraints.

We purchase super luxury transportation from German marques, little realising that the funds are directed to the support of Israelis in their anti-Islamic, neo-imperialistic crusades of the 21st century. Our support of the products of the anti-Islamic western branded attire, including expensive communicators and watches, which monitor your biorhythms and probably your personal lives, as well, with Pegasus Spyware, already preinstalled  in these devices, all contributing to the billions of dollars, sent annually to the oppressive Zionists and foremost ethnic cleansers of Muslims.

Some of our EVILISED offspring are now drugging even in Houses of Allah, and notices have to be prominently displayed in these mosques, reminding them not to do so. These Holy and hallowed precincts are already infiltrated by paid agents of the enemies of Islam, so are our Islamic institutions, where Alims trained by anti-Islamic governments are controlling and influencing the dispensations of the very tenets of Islam, as espoused by the Qur’an and the teachings of our beloved Nabie , interpreting them to suit their own personal philosophies and ideologies.

We also spend millions on hyper, ultra-big budget, matrimonial ceremonies, with extravagantly  lavish arrangements, amounting to wasteful expenditure, while the guests gossip  nefariously about the respective families. Sad to note that these unions barely last more than a year in most cases, with the spectre of disharmony evident between the couples, enjoined in holy matrimony, shortly after a brief period of a few months following the nuptial ceremonies.

It is important to note that Allah’s Azaab is forthcoming, Oh! you deluded, hypocrite nominal Muslims, after the 2024 elections!  In some cases, the groom is either of an alternate sexual behavioural pattern or has some type of psychosis which the parents feel will be cured by having these individuals married  off  to some poor girl  from a good family.  They have effectively ruined not one, but two lives, in their pursuit of perceived eternal glory for their son, propagation of the family name and pursuit of the elusive happiness in our hypocritical society, where your social esteem is categorised and allocated based on your financial amassment and public display of wealth.

This is compounded by Huffaaz forgetting the Quran in due course of passage of years, engaged in fruitless activities.  We are  being annihilated in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, demeaned in UK, EU, intoxicated in Saudia, now, with the opening of bottle stores in the Holy Land, and killed in Hindutva, Kashmir, Myanmar, or indoctrinated and assimilated in China, yet we have not realised that we are all on the cliff and the brink of extinction noting what is coming for us in South Africa, as it happened to the billionaire Muslims in the former Rangoon, which I have visited personally as my fact finding mission, previously. !

Oh! all you ‘Islamic’ fools,  the future residents of minus seven  level in Hell, where you will be given foetid, boiling fluid to quench your incessant, unquenchable thirst, and the most bitter fruit of the Zaqqum tree to eat for meals, to satisfy your incredible hunger.  Repent now, for your hour of redemption will expire very soon. Oh! you Molvis for dollars, personal self-glorifiers and fellow miscreants, your Islamic dating sites will add to your heavy burden of suffering in your afterlife and your drugged out, immoral, progeny will not even supplicate for your transgressions, to mitigate your unendurable suffering, until Armageddon and thereafter, until eternity, which we know noting about.  May Allah forgive our sins of ever increasing magnitude, arrogance, audacity and intensity   إنشاءاللهأمين.   and واللهأعلم.

I have humbly and dutifully presented the current status quo of our Islamic community, for reflection and corrective, as well as collective, communal  action, following your brief reflection of the ills inherent within our society.  I humbly beg your pardon, if  I, as a fellow sinner and comrade in hellfire, has struck a sensitive chord in your innermost selves.

2 Sha’baan 1445 – 13 February 2024