The Axis of Islaamic Strength
The Axis of Islaamic Strength:
The axis of the Strength of Islaam is Haqq, not any creation (i.e., the Strength of Islaam stems from and revolves around Haqq, not any person, whoever he may be). The Strength of Islaam is not from the outside, but rather, it is from within. There is such Strength in Haqq that even if just one person is on Haqq and the entire world opposes him, such a person is not weak. On the other hand, if a person is not on Haqq, and the entire world is on his side, believing in him and trusting in him, such a person is weak. He has no strength whatsoever.”
[Hadhrat Thanvi رحمة الله عليه – Irshaadaat-e-Hakeemul Ummat, p.35-36]
Never fall for the baseless, negative remarks of those who say “what can one Muslim do”. “What can one `Aalim do by himself”, etc. One `Aalim of Haqq can do what the combined “Islamic organisations” and “Ulamaa bodies” cannot do. One Mujaahid fighting on Haqq is like an army just by himself. During the time of Sahaabah-e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهم, when they were out in Jihaad and a request for reinforcements would be sent to Madeenah, Hadhrat Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه and Hadhrat `Umar رضي الله عنه used to often send just one Sahaabi as the reinforcement, saying he is equal to 2,000 Mujaahideen