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Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:

“It (Ramadhaan) is a month whose beginning is mercy, its intermediate is forgiveness and its culmination is freedom from the Fire.”

The Hadeeth has described the ending of Ramadhaan as “freedom from the Fire.” This freedom is the fruits of the preceding mercy and forgiveness. It is therefore established that the ending of Ramadhaan is a collection of mercy, forgiveness and freedom from the Fire. This was one premise.

Add to that another premise which is from the Qur’aan:

“Say (O Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) it is purely through the grace and mercy of Allah. Therefore rejoice over that.” (Surah Younus, 58)

From these two premises the conclusion is that there should be some form of joy on the occasion of mercy. This joy is furthermore proven from a particular Hadeeth. Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) says:

“The fasting person experiences two occasions of joy; one occasion of joy is at the time of iftaar (when completing the fast) and the other occasion of joy is when meeting his Rabb.”

From this Hadeeth we learn that the time of completing the fast (iftaar) is a time of happiness.

The Conditions and some basic rules of Eid Salaah:

The same conditions that apply for the validity of Jumu’ah Salaah, apply for the validity of Eid Salaah. Where Jumu’ah Salaah is not valid, there, Eid Salaah too is not valid.

There has to be a MINIMUM of three mature (Baaligh) men behind the Imaam. Eid Salaah CANNOT be performed alone.

There has to be Ithn-ul-‘Aam (general consent for anyone who wishes to participate).

Eid Salaah is performed first, thereafter the Khutbah is given.

A SOFT Du’a should be made after the Salaah. Not after the Khutbah.

There are six extra Takbeers in the Eid Salaah.

AFTER Salaah, the Imaam should deliver two Khutbahs on the Mimbar with a short duration of sitting between the two Khutbahs.

There is NO Azaan or Iqaamah for Eid Salaah.

See in Beshti-Zewar or any other authentic Fiqh Kitaab for more on Eid Salaah, Khutbah, etc.

The Method of performing the Eid Salaah:

Make the intention, “I am performing two Rak’aats Waajib Salaatul-Eid with six extra Takbeers.” After one’s Niyyat, commence the Salaah. Recite Thanaa’ after the first Takbeer.

Thereafter, say ‘Allahu-Akbar’ three times by raising the hands to one’s ears (just like Takbeer-e-Tahreemah). After each raising of the hands, drop them to one’s sides – don’t fold them for the first two Takbeers. The pause between the three Takbeers should be of the duration of saying ‘Subhaanallah’ thrice.

After the third Takbeer, fold your hands – don’t drop them on one’s sides. Then the Imaam will recite Ta-awwuth, Tasmiyah, Surah Faatihah and a Surah. Complete this Rak’aat in the normal manner.

The Imaam will commence the second Rak’aat with Tasmiyah, Surah Faatihah and a Surah. Before going into Ruku’ say ‘Allahu-Akbar’ thrice, keeping the same procedure of the first Rak’aat in mind. However, after the third Takbeer, drop your hands. Then say again ‘Allahu-Akbar’, and go into Ruku’.


Complete the Salaah normally.


Regarding Some messages going around of some Masjids’ planned Eid celebrations, the following should be noted:


‘Some Masjid will be rendering the Takbeer over the loudspeakers.’ The Takbeer of Eid-ul-Fitr should be read SILENLT! Hence, the rendering of the Takbeer over the loudspeakers is not in conformity to the Rules of Eid-ul-Fitr.

‘Leaving the home and taking a brisk walk around the block, while reciting the Takbeer during the given exercise time (6am to 9am).’ Only if one was heading to the Eidgah (or Masjid) for Eid Salaah, can the Takbeer be read, then too, SILENTLY! Walking briskly around the block while reading the Takbeer has nothing to do with the genuine Sunnah of Eid, hence this call should be ignored.


‘Exiting the house to one’s ‘stoep’ (verandah), while saying the Takbeer and WAVING to one’s neighbors, greet and wish them a Mubarak Eid.’ This call should be ignored because it has no substantiation for Eid. Only a father who has no Ghairat (self respect) and is a Dayyooth (cuckold – regarding whom the Hadith warns that Allah will not have Mercy on him Qiyaamat’s Day) will allow his son/s to wave at his neighbor’s wife or/and daughter/s!