In his Ikfaarul Mulhideen, Allaamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rahmatullah alayh) states: “Such people of the Qiblah who deny beliefs on which there is consensus, are unanimously Disbelievers.” Mullah Ali Qaari (rahmatullah alayh) says in Sharah Fiqh Akbar: Remember! The People of the Qiblah are only those who are in full agreement with the Ahl-e-Haqq regarding the essentials of the Deen such as the temporal nature of the universe, physical resurrection in Qiyaamah, the Knowledge of Allah Ta’ala is all-embracing and comprehends the minutest detail, etc.
Thus a person who adheres to the laws and worship of the Deen his entire life, but believes (for example) that the universe is eternal or he rejects the physical resurrection of the bodies or he believes that Allah’s Knowledge is not all-comprehensive, never is such a person among the Ahl-e-Qiblah (People of the Qiblah). Without any difference of opinion he is a Disbeliever. According to the Ulama of the Ahlus Sunnah, the meaning of not branding any one of the Qiblah a Disbeliever is that a person of the Qiblah shall not be branded a Disbeliever if there is no sign of kufr, i.e., statement of kufr, act or belief of kufr in him. If any feature of kufr exists in him, he will be beyond the pale of Ahl- e-Qiblah even if he professes to be a Muslim and performs acts of worship as Muslims do, and even if he adheres to the laws of the Shariah.”
In Nibraas – Sharh Aqaaid Nasafi, it is mentioned: “Any person in whom there is a feature of kufr, e.g. he prostrates to an idol or he insults any Deeni act or mocks it, he is never from the Ahl-e-Qiblah. The meaning of not proclaiming anyone from the People of Qiblah a Disbeliever is only this that a Muslim will not be branded a Disbeliever because of commission of sins or denial of obscure, intricate rules. Remember this well.” Denial of such Ahkaam of the Shariah which are described as Dhururiyaat-e-Deen (the Essentials of the Deen) expels the denier from the fold of Islam.
Among such essential beliefs are Hijaab (Purdah), the Beard, belief in the punishment of the grave, the physical resurrection of the bodies in Qiyaamah, Jannat and Jahannum being physical abodes, the existence of the jinn. The questioning in the grave, prohibition of pictures of animate objects, prohibition of music, and numerous other Ahkaam. “O Our Rabb! Do not make our hearts crooked (with kufr) after You have given us the hidaayat (of Imaan), and bestow to us Your mercy. Verily, You are the Bestower (of all things).” — – Qur’aan