The Blood of Hadhrat Husain (Radhiyallahu anhu) and Hadhrat Mansoor Hallaaj (Rahmatullah alayh).

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Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (Rahmatullah alayh) was asked about the difference between the Blood of Hadhrat Husain (Radhiyallahu anhu) and Hadhrat Mansoor Hallaaj (Rahmatullah alayh).
Background information: Hadhrat Mansoor Hallaaj – Rahmatullah alayh – was among the great Auliya. In an extremely lofty spiritual state of ecstasy, he repeatedly uttered: ‘Anal Haq!’ (I am Allah!’) which of course was blasphemy (kufr) in terms of the Shariah. The punishment for such blasphemy is execution if the blasphemer refuses to repent. Hadhrat Mansoor – Rahmatullah alayh – refused to retract and repent. On the contrary, he persisted with his proclamation of ‘Anal Haq’.
He was sentenced to death. On the occasion of his execution, he continued with his utterance. His hands and feet were first cut off, and finally he was killed. Every drop of his Blood which fell to the ground exclaimed loudly: ‘Anal Haq!’and on the ground the Blood wrote: ‘Allaahu Allaahu’. His body was incinerated, and from the ashes the sound of ‘Anal Haq’ continued vociferously and vehemently……….. This is a brief introduction to the question posed to Hadhrat Junaid Bagdhaadi –Rahmatullah alayhi – who had signed the death warrant for Hadhrat Mansoor’s execution.)

The Question
“The Blood of Al-Hallaaj, as it fell to the ground inscribed on the ground: ‘Allaahu Allaahu’. But this was not the case with the Blood of Hadhrat Husain (Radhiyallahu anhu). What was the Hikmat (wisdom) underlying the mystery?

The Answer
Hadhrat Junaid (Rahmatullah alayh) responded:
“The accused (Al-Hallaaj in this case) required exculpation (i.e. his innocence had to be proved). He was accused of zandaqah (blasphemy/kufr) in a matter of the Deen. Thus the inscription by his Blood exculpated him from the charge of zandaqah. On the contrary, Husain Bin Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) was not in need to be exculpated from any charge of blasphemy. Know and understand this (difference).”