Reasons for Allah Ta’ala’s Anger & Ways For Its Remedy – 
By the Grand Muftí of Gujerat

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Advice from the book published in the year 1999

Grand Muftí of Gujerat, India, Hadhrat Shaikh Muftí AbdurRahím Lájpurí Sáhib (Rahmatullah Alayh)

Stop The Disobedience Of Alláh
َWe must try to stop people in our locality from indulging in disobedience of Alláh. The instruments of music, singing and dancing must be removed from our homes, as these attract the wrath of Alláh  very quickly. The act of adultery and its means must be eradicated. Women should observe purdah from non mahram males, and stop offering their services in schools, offices and businesses, as these lead to the spread of vice and immorality. Peace and tranquillity in the family and society are eroded through these activities and, ultimately, lead to the erosion of human values. A mere glance at the happenings in today’s society will confirm this state of affairs. If circumstances require womenfolk to earn a living, they can then take to teaching small children at home, do some handiwork or other petty trade from within the confines of their own homes. The intake of liquor and any type of drug and intoxicant must be avoided by all. We should all try to eradicate these vices from our society.