Yahya Bin Yahya narrates that he was by Hazrat Sufyaan Bin Uyainah (Rahimahullahu) when a person came and complained about his wife. “I am the most disgraced and insignificant thing in her eyes,” he lamented. Hazrat Sufyaan cast his head down for a while and then said: “Perhaps you were inclined to marry her for the sake of gaining some honour?” He replied that, yes, it was to enhance his honour.
Hazrat Sufyaan commented: “Whoever goes for honour, is afflicted with disgrace; whoever goes for money, is afflicted with poverty; and whoever goes for Deen, Allah blends honour and money together for him with Deen.”
He then related the following: “We were four brothers; Muhammad, Imraan, Ibraheem and I. Muhammad was the eldest, Imraan the youngest and I was the middle one. When Muhammad wanted to get married, he was looking for a high standing family. He thus married a woman who was of a higher class than him. Allah Ta’ala afflicted him with disgrace. Imraan was looking for wealth. He thus got married to a woman who was richer than him. Allah afflicted him with poverty. They took whatever he had and gave him nothing.
I reflected over their condition. Ma’mar Bin Raashid happened to come where we were. I consulted with him and related to him what had happened to my brothers. He reminded me of the Hadeeth of Yahya Bin Ja’dah and the Hadeeth of Hazrat Aisha (Radhiyallahu anha).
In Yahya Bin Ja’dah’s Hadeeth, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “A woman is married for one of four reasons; for her Deen, for her family nobility, for her wealth and for her beauty. Take hold of a woman with Deen. Wake up.”
In the Hadeeth of Hazrat Aishah (Radhiyallahu anha), Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) says: “The woman who is the most blessed is the one who has the least expenses.”
I thus chose for myself Deen and a lighter load, in obedience to the Sunnah of Nabiyyullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). In consequence, Allah Ta’ala combined wealth and Deen for me.”
(Hayaatus Salaf)