Days & Nights Of Dhul Hijjah & Women

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ays & Nights Of Extra Ibaadat!

Allah Ta’ala takes an Oath on the first ten nights of Dhul Hijjah, “By the ten nights.” (Fajr, Aayat 2)

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “There are no days in which Allah loves good deeds more than on these ten days.”

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “One fast during these days is equal to the fasting of one complete year, and the Ibaadat of one night is equal to the Ibaadat of Laylatul Qadr.” (Tirmizi)

This is the season for Ibaadat in the calendar of a Muslim. Muslims should treat these days and nights seriously. Eating out (unhealthy and doubtful food), shopping unnecessarily, etc. should at least be paused in these days.

The above virtues enshrined in the Qur’an Majeed and Hadith Shareef are more than sufficient for any sincere and loyal Muslim and Muslimah to spend their days and nights of the beginning of Dhul Hijjah in an Ibaadat-packed manner. Any amount of free time one may find should be spent in some form of Ibaadat. Then, a dedicated time should be set aside every night before retiring to bed, to perform some Nafl Salaah, Tilaawat, Zikr and Du’a.

Women who may be experiencing their menstrual cycles – due to which they are not allowed to fast, nor perform Salaah, nor make Tilaawat – should not be despondent and allow Shaitaan to take advantage of one’s situation. The following Ibaadaat are allowed for menstruating women (Haaidhah woman) during Haidh:

  1. Zikr – A woman in Haidh is allowed to recite the 3rd Kalimah which we are encouraged to recite in abundance during this period. Any other form of Zikr should also be made.
  2. Du’a – A woman in Haidh is allowed to make Du’a. Spend some time on the Musallah and raise one’s hands in Du’a. Du’a is the essence of Ibaadat!
  3. Durood Shareef – A woman is Haidh will receive the same rewards for Durood Shareef. Ten mercies, ten stages in Jannah, ten trees, ten sins forgiven, etc. will be written as reward for each Durood recited. Spend time with Durood Shareef during Haidh. Set a quota of Duroods per day.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us Hidaayat and Tawfeeq to carry out extra good deeds during the special days and nights of this month, Aameen.


Custodians of the Haq