Questions related to Qurbani

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1. What is the ruling with regards to the splashes of blood from the Qurbani animal?

The specks of blood that remain on the Qurbani animal after slaughtering the animal is Paak. If the blood rubs onto one’s clothing, then the clothing will not become Napaak. However, the blood that gushes out from the veins at the time of slaughter is Napaak. [Re:- Halabi Kabeer Pg. 195] If the impure blood comes onto one’s clothing (and is equivalent to the amount of a Dirham or more – which is estimated to be the size of one’s palm), then Salaah performed with such clothing will not be valid.

2. Can the Qurbani meat be given to non-Muslims?

Yes, Qurbani meat may be given to non-Muslims. [Re:- Fataawa Hindiyyah Pg. 300 Vol.5]


3. A person bought an animal for Qurbani. However, the animal was lost. He later found the animal on the 4th or 5th day after Eid. What should be done?

If Qurbani was Waajib on a person (meaning that he possessed Nisaab), and after purchasing the Qurbani animal it was later lost, or it died, then it is Waajib upon him to purchase another animal and make Qurbani. If the lost animal was found after doing the second Qurbani, then it is better to make Qurbani of the found animal as well, but it is not Waajib to make Qurbani of the found animal.

However, if a poor person (upon whom Qurbani was not Waajib) purchased an animal for Qurbani and the animal died or was lost, then it is not Waajib to purchase another animal. Yes, if the lost animal was found during the days of Qurbani, then it is Waajib to make Qurbani of the animal, and if it is found after the days of Qurbani then the animal, or its value, should be given in charity. [Re:- Aap ke Masaa’il Aur Unka Hal Pg.442 Vol.5]      


4. Can one make Qurbani for his late father instead of making Qurbani for himself?

If a person owns the Nisaab, then it is Waajib upon him to do Qurbani. After carrying out his own Waajib Qurbani, he may carry out Nafl Qurbani for the deceased. [Re:- Badaa’i-us-Sanaa’i Pg.72 Vol.5]


5. Is it better to make Qurbani of a sheep, cow or camel?

The Fuqaha have considered the animal with the highest value. If the value of a goat is higher than the value of a share in a cow, then it will be better to purchase a goat. If both are equal in value, then the animal with more and better meat will be given preference. It is also understood from this that if a person slaughters a big animal (such as a cow or camel) for himself without any other partners and it is more expensive than a goat, then it will better to make Qurbani of it due to it being more expensive and having more meat. [Re:- Kitaabun Nawaazil Pg. 641 Vol.14]

6. If the Qurbani animal gives birth, then the following cases will be applicable:

a. If the Qurbani animal belongs to a poor person (upon whom Qurbani was not Waajib), then it is Waajib to slaughter the lamb with the mother.

b. If the Qurbani animal belongs to a wealthy person (one that owns the Nisaab) then:

He may slaughter it on the days of Qurbani with the mother, either before slaughtering the mother, or after slaughtering the mother. After slaughtering the animal, one may partake of the meat and feed it to others. This is the preferred view in the Hanafi Madhab although there is a view in the Hanafi Madhab which states that, it is not permissible to consume the lamb. To be saved from the difference, Imaam Saheb Rahimahullah has stated that it is better to give the living lamb in Sadaqah:

or, one could give it out in Sadaqah during the days of Qurbani;

and if the days of Qurbani are over, then it can only be given out in Sadaqah whilst it is alive. [Re:- Fataawa Uthmaaniyyah Pg.320 Vol.8]