Tasawwuf in reality is nothing but the ROOH of Islam
Tasawwuf in reality is nothing but the ROOH of Islam. Islam consists of two fundamental parts, viz. the external laws pertaining to Ibaadaat and, the internal state of beauty, concern, sincerity and perfection on which the external laws are to be based. Thus Tasawwuf is an integral part of the Shariat of Islam.
Any “tasawwuf” beyond the confines of the Shariat is not the Tasawwuf of the Qur’aan and Hadith, but is a practice of fraud and deception. The Tasawwuf of ALL the great and illustrious Auliya operate within strict control of the Sunnat of our Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). A tasawwuf which is at variance with the Tasawwuf of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is not Tasawwuf, but is some satanic concept designed to obtain the pleasure of shaitaan.
The main purpose of Tasawwuf is to eliminate the bestial qualities in man and to supplant them with the high and virtuous qualities of angels.
In this direction, Tasawwuf employs the advices, exhortations, restrictions, prohibitions and remedies prescribed by the Qur’aan, Hadith and the authoritative and authentic Auliya of Islaam.
On these pages, Hadhrat Masihul Ummat, Hadhrat Mohammed Masihullah Khan, Imaam of Tasawwuf in our times outlines some fundamental aspects of Tasawwuf, i.e. Qur’aanic Tasawwuf – the Tasawwuf which is Fardh upon every Muslim.