TAHARAAH MASAA-IL – Soap/Perfume/Wudhu/Ghusl
1) Soap manufactured from impure impure (naajis) oil or fat is
taahir (pure) and permissible to use.
2) Infihah is a substance extracted from the stomachs of calves
which have been slaughtered just after having been suckled. This
substance was used in cheese manufacture. The cheese containing
infihah will be taahir and halaal even if the animal was not
slaughtered according to the rules of the Shariah.
Infihah is also known as rennet. However, present-day rennet is
not the infihah described in the Shariah. Present-day rennet is
haraam. Such haraam rennet used in cheese renders the cheese
haraam. All cheese nowadays containing animal-rennet is haraam.
Only cheese containing microbial or plant-rennet is halaal.
3) Ambergris, used in perfumery, derived from the intestines of
whales is taahir and permissible.
4) Wiping the hands and face with a towel after wudhu is among
the adaab (etiquettes) of wudhu. It is, therefore, mustahab to do so.
Some people hold the erroneous belief that wiping or drying after
wudhu is in conflict with the Sunnah. While it is permissible to
refrain from wiping, to wipe the hands, face, etc., is not in conflict
with the Sunnah.
5) If one is about to make wudhu or is engaged in making wudhu
and the Jamaat Salaat commences, wudhu should be made fully.
The Sunnat acts of the wudhu should not be omitted.
6) While making wudhu if anything which breaks wudhu happens,the whole wudhu should be repeated.
7) When washing the hands and arms during wudhu, it is Masnoon
(Sunnat) to start washing from the fingers. It is not correct to wash
from the elbows as some people do when making wudhu sitting at
a tap.
8) Milk emerging from a woman’s breast does not break her
9) If any part of the satr opens up, wudhu will not break.
10) If the release of Mani (semen) is accompanied by shahwat
(lustful sensation), ghusl becomes waajib. This applies to both men
and women whether asleep or awake.
11) If haidh begins during the course of the fasting day, it will be
permissible to eat. However, one should not eat in the presence of
others, i.e. during the month of Ramadhaan.
12) After janaabat, ghusl was taken. After ghusl, more Mani
(semen) emerged. If this ghusl was taken before having urinated,
before sleeping or before having performed Salaat, then ghusl
must be renewed. But it is not necessary to repeat the salaat which
was performed after the first ghusl and before the emergence of the
mani.If the mani emerged after Salaat or after having slept or having
walked about forty steps, then ghusl need not be made again.
13) Discharge of mani without shahwat (sexual sensation) does
not make ghusl waajib, e.g. discharge of mani because of illness,
weakness, tiredness, etc. This does not apply to sexual intercourse.
Sexual intercourse makes ghusl incumbent whether mani is
discharged with or without shahwat or whether there is no
discharge whatever.
14) It is not permissible to enter the Musjid without wudhu. The
prohibition is graver if one is in the state of janaabat.
15) Tayammum was performed because one was prevented from
wudhu by human beings, e.g. the jail-warder prevented a prisoner
from wudhu or did not allow him water. Salaat performed with
such a tayammum should be repeated once the obstacle in the path
of wudhu no longer exists.
16) Although all sea animals are taahir (pure), only fish is halaal
for consumption.
l7) An object to which najis colour or najis mendhi (hinnah) has
been applied will be rendered taahir after washing and removing
the impure substance, even if the stain of the colour remains.
18) The watery discharge which some women frequently experience breaks wudhu and renders impure (najis) the affected
19) Alcohol for sanitization is completely haraam, no form of Alcohol should be used