Hadhrat Hasan Basri (Rahmatullahalayh) : The Paradigm of Piety and Eloquence – Part 2

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Part 2

21. During his childhood he had committed a sin. Whenever he had a new kurtah sewn, he would write a reminder (of the sin) on it. This reminder constantly reduced him to tears.

22. Once the Khalifah, Hadhrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (rahmatullah alayh) wrote a letter requesting some naseehat. Hadhrat Hasan (rahmatullah alayh) responded: “If Allah is not your hepler, have no hope in anyone.” On another occasion he wrote: “Know that the day after which there will no longer be this world (the Aakhirah) is near.”

23. When Hadhrat Bishr Haafi (rahmatullah alayh) learnt that Hadhrat Hasan (rahmatullah alayh) was proceeding for Hajj, he wrote requesting permission to accompany him (Hadhrat Hasan). In response, Hadhrat Hasan wrote: “Forgive me (i.e. he declined permission). I wish to remain in Allah’s veil of concealment. If we are together, we shall become aware of our mutual defects and think ill of one another.”
(Although these illustrious Souls never despised anyone on account of sins and defects, Hadhrat Hasan presented this pretext for his desire of solitude. Travelling with a contemporary would be an encumbrance which would disturb the solace of his solitude.)

24. Counselling Hadhrat Saeed Bin Jubair (rahmatullah alayh), Hadhrat Hasan said: “Never enter into companionship with kings. Never reveal your secrets to anyone. Never listen to music. The end result is always calamitous.”25. Hadhrat Maalik Bin Dinaar (rahmatullah alayh) asked: “In what lies the corruption of the people?”
Hadhrat Hasan: “In the death of the heart.”
Maalik Bin Dinaar: “What is the death of the heart.”
Hadhrat Hasan: “The love of the world.”

26. Once Hadhrat Abdullah (rahmatullah alayh) went to the home of Hadhrat Hasan (rahmatullah alayh) for Fajr Salaat. When he arrived at the door he heard Hadhrat Hasan making dua and a group responding ‘Aameen, Aameen’. He waited outside until it was Fajr time. When he entered he found Hadhrat Hasan alone. After Salaat, Hadhrat Abdullah enquired about the mystery. He first took a pledge of secrecy from him, then informed Hadhrat Abdullah that every Friday night a group of jinn attended for lessons. After lessons when dua is made they responded with ‘Aameen’.

27. Qaari Abu Amr was a famous teacher of the Qur’aan. Once he cast a gaze of lust on a handsome lad who had come to learn the Qur’aan. In consequence of this evil glance Abu Amr forgot the entire Qur’aan. From the Alif of Surah Faatiha to the Seen of Surah Naas , the entire Qur’aan departed from his heart. His shock and grief were unbearable. He explained this calamity to Hadhrat Hasan who said: “It is now the time of Hajj. Perform Hajj. After Hajj proceed to Musjid-e-Khaif where you will find an old man sitting in the mihraab in worship. After he completes his Ibaadat ask him to make dua for you.
After Hajj when Abu Amr entered Musjid-e-Khaif he saw a group of people inside. Shortly afterwards a saintly person entered. Everyone regarded him with honour and reverence. After counselling the group, the saintly person and all others except the old man departed. Abu Amr stepped forward and narrated the calamity which had befallen him. The buzrug raised his eyes towards heaven in supplication. To his wonder and joy Abu Amr discovered that the Qur’aan Shareef had returned to his heart. In sheer joy and ecstasy he fell at the feet of the buzrug who asked: “Who directed you to me?”
Abu Amr: “Hasan Basri.”
The Buzrug: “Hasan has disgraced me. Now I too shall disgrace him. He has revealed my secret. I too shall reveal his secret. The buzrug whom you had seen at the time of Zuhr (the one who had lectured to the group) was Hasan Basri. He comes daily to us. Discusses with us and by Asr he is back in Basrah. What need did he have to direct you to me?” (In other words, Hadhrat Hasan being such a great saint could have made dua for Abu Amr instead of directing him to the buzrug in Musjid-e-Khaif thereby exposing him.)

28. A man in need once brought his horse to Hadhrat Hasan and offered it for sale. Hadhrat Hasan bought the horse. That night the former owner of the horse saw the horse together with a few hundred horses grazing in Jannat. On making enquiries, the Angels informed him: “These horses had belonged to you. Now they are the property of Hasan.”
In the morning the man hastened to Hadhrat Hasan and implored him to cancel the sale. He offered to refund the money. Hadhrat Hasan refusing said: “I have also seen the dream you had seen.” The man departed with a heavy heart. During the night Hadhrat Hasan saw in a dream beautiful palaces in Jannat. He asked: “To whom do these palaces belong?” The Angels said: “To the person who gladly cancels a sale.” He sent for the man, cancelled the sale and returned the horse.

29. Hadhrat Hasan’s neighbour, Sham’oon was a fire-worshipper. Sham’oon was in his death- throes. Hadhrat Hasan visited him. He observed that Sham’oon’s face had darkened as a result of his years of fire-worshipping.
Hadhrat Hasan: “Abandon fire-worship and become a Muslim. Perhaps Allah will have mercy on you.” Sham’oon: “Three things have turned me away from Islam. One: The world according to you (Muslims) is evil, but you remain in its pursuit. Two: You believe that death is true, but you do not make preparations for it. Three: You claim the wonder of Allah’s Vision, but on earth you act in conflict with His wishes.”
Hadhrat Hasan: “This is a sign of those who recognize the truth. The true Mu’min acts accordingly. But tell me, what have you gained by destroying your life in fire-worship? Even if a Mu’min does no good, at least he testifies to the Unity of Allah. You have worshipped the fire for seventy years. If you and I fall into the fire, it will burn us both without caring for your worship.
However, my Allah has the power of preventing the fire from burning me.”
So saying, Hadhrat Hasan took Allah’s Name and plunged his hand into the fire. He held his hand for a long time in the fire which had no effect on him. Seeing this, Sham’oon’s heart opened up. The light of guidance had penetrated his heart. He said: “I have worshipped the fire for 70 years. What can I achieve in the few moments there remain of life?”
Hadhrat Hasan: “Become a Muslim!”
Sham’oon: “Write a document stating that if I embrace Islam, Allah will forgive me.”
Hadhrat Hasan wrote the document and presented it to Sham’oon who said: “Let the pious elders of Basrah endorse it with their signatures.” This request was complied with. Sham’oon said: “O Hasan, when I die, give me ghusl and bury me. Place the document in my hand so that I have proof of my Islam.” Sham’oon recited the Kalimah and died. His wasiyyat was fulfilled by Hadhrat Hasan.
Hadhrat Hasan returned home overwhelmed by worry. He thought: “When I myself am immersed in sin, how could I have furnished a guarantee of forgiveness to another man?” In this distressful state he fell asleep. In a dream he saw Sham’oon donned in beautiful garments with a crown on his head strolling in Jannat. Hadhrat Hasan: “How did it fare with you?”
Sham’oon: “Allah forgave me by His mercy. I am unable to explain the bounties He has bestowed to me. There now no longer remain on you any responsibility. Here take your document. I no longer have need of it.”
When Hadhrat Hasan’s eyes opened he discovered the document in his hand. He profusely thanked Allah and said: “O Allah! You act without cause. Everything is dependent on Your act. When you have forgiven a man merely on one statement (the Kalimah) after he had worshipped the fire for seventy years, why will You not forgive a man who had worshipped you for seventy years?” (The boundless Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala could be understood from the episode.)