Questions Posed to Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi رحمه الله on The Quraan Sharif
Khatam practice of Hafiz Karim Bakhsh Gangohi رحمه الله
Q: What is the shortest period in which the whole Qur’aan can be completed?
A: My ustaad, Hafiz Karim Bakhsh Sahib رحمه الله was blind. He lived and taught in Gangoh. It would take him three and half hours to complete the entire Qur’aan.
Q: What is the wisdom in the repetition of certain topics in the Qur’aan?
A: What is the wisdom of certain words being repeated in your speech?
This person remained silent.
Hadhrat then said, “You are asking the wisdom of the repetition in Allah Ta`ala’s speech whereas you cannot explain the wisdom of repeating your own words? This repetition does not decrease the level of eloquence. Similar aayaat (verses) may appear in other
places and in every verse something different is intended.
Another reason may be as Moulana Aashiq Ilaahi has written in the footnote of his translation of the Qur’aan under the verse:
(O jinn and man! Which of your Rabb’s (Lord’s) bounties do you deny?) [55: 13]
This verse appears 31 times in Surah Ar-Rahmaan. Moulana writes that there are many types of the bounties of Allah Ta`ala and each verse refers to a different bounty.
Teaching of the Qur’aan Kareem in the Musjid
Q: What is the shar`ee ruling for teaching the Qur’aan and religious studies in the musjid?
A: A musjid is the house of Allah Ta`ala. It appears in the hadeeth:
Prevent the children and insane from coming to the musjid [because both are unable to differentiate
between purity and impurity and abstain from making noise in the masaajid.])
It is imperative to adhere to these points. There will be no problem if one teaches in the musjid keeping these points in mind.
Moulana Saleemullah Khan Sahib’s memorising the Qur’aan
Moulana Saleemullah Khan Sahib رحمه الله is one of my friends. He lived in Jalaalabad for a long period and was a very close acquaintance of Moulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib رحمه الله . He then moved to Pakistan where he is a principal of a Madrasah in Karachi. The Madrasah also publishes a magazine. He memorised the Qur’aan in this manner that daily in the morning he used to learn one para and at night he used to recite it to someone. In this way within twenty-nine days he memorised the entire
Qur’aan. He had known one para prior to that.
Moulana Yahya Sahib’s completion of the Qur’aan
Hadhrat Shaikh-ul-Hadeeth Moulana Zakariyya’s رحمه الله father Moulana Yahya Sahib رحمه الله went to Meerut in Ramadhaan. He had the habit of remaining with wudhu at all times. It was the time of Esha and he went straight onto the musalla and read ten paras in the twenty rakaats of taraaweeh. The following two nights he read ten paras each night. Within three nights he completed the Qur’aan and returned to Saharanpur.
Many huffaaz would attend his taraaweeh to learn more about this person who is specially called all the way from Saharanpur and who knows his Qur’aan so well that there was no need for him to revise it nor did he get confused or make any mistake.
Imaam Abu Hanifah’s completion of the Qur’aan
Hadhrat Imaam Abu Hanifah رحمه الله once came to the Haram Shareef and in two rakaats he completed the entire Qur’aan. In each rakaat he read fifteen paras.
The Practice of Hadhrat Uthman رضي الله عنه
Hadhrat Uthman Zun Nurain رضي الله عنه used to complete the entire Qur’aan would complete the entire Qur’aan in one night. Similarly, Hadhrat Abdullah bin Zubair رضي الله عنه in one night. (Fadhaa’il-e-Qur’aan,
Malfoozaat of Faqeeh-ul-Ummat