Reading Time: 3 minutes


During the time of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) there was a trader who plied his trade between the Land of Shaam (Syria) and Madinah. He would not accompany the trade caravans on account of his trust in Allah Ta’ala (Tawakkul). He journeyed alone through the deserts and wilderness with his merchandise.

Once whilst on a journey from Shaam to Madinah, he was accosted by a highway robber on horseback. Screaming at the trader, he said: “Halt!” The trader halted and said: “Take my wealth and allow me to proceed.”

Robber: “The wealth belongs to me. I desire to take your life.”

Trader: “What will you do with my life? Your need is the wealth. Let me proceed.”

Robber: “The wealth is mine. I intend to take your life.”

Trader: “Allow me to make Wudhu, perform Salaat and make dua to my Rabb Allah Azza Wa Jal.”

Robber: “Do as you please.” The trader made Wudhu and performed four raka’ts Salaat. He then raised his hands towards the heaven and supplicated to Allah Ta’ala as follows:

“O Most Loving One! O Most Loving One! O Thou of the Majestic Throne! O Originator of Creation! O Returner (of creation after its destruction)! O Thou Who does as You please! I supplicate to You through the medium of the Noor of Your Presence, which fills the pillars of Your Arsh.

I supplicate to You through the medium of Your Power by means of which You command over Your creation. And I supplicate to you through the medium of Your mercy which encompasses everything. There is no god but You. O Helper! Help me!”

After he had recited this Dua thrice, he suddenly saw a handsome man dressed in green on a beautiful horse standing by him. In his hand was a glittering spear. Seeing the stranger on horseback, the robber quickly advanced towards him. The stranger made a sudden attack and with one blow sent the robber reeling to the ground. He ordered the trader to kill the robber.

Trader: “Who are you? I have never ever killed anyone and I have no desire to kill him.”

The stranger after killing the robber, said: “Know that I am an angel from the third Samaa’ (Heaven). When you supplicated (made dua) the first time, we heard the doors of the heaven creaking. We then said: ‘Something has happened.’ Then you supplicated the second time. The doors of the Heaven opened up and there were sparks like the sparks of fire. Then you supplicated the third time. Jibraeel (alayhis salaam) descended to us from the Samaa’ (above) proclaiming: ‘Who is prepared to aid this man in distress?’

I then supplicated. ‘O my Rabb! Appoint me to kill him (the robber).’ Know, O Servant of Allah! Whoever supplicates with this Dua which you had made, in any difficulty, danger and distress, Allah will remove it (the calamity) from him and aid him.” The trader arrived safely with his merchandise in Madinah.

He went to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and informed him of the episode and his Dua. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) commented:

“Verily, Allah had inspired you with His Asmaaul Husnaa (Beautiful Names). When dua is made with these Names, He responds, and when He is asked with these Names, He gives.