The Result of Indulging in Excess Permissiveness – Discourses of Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
The result of indulging in excess permissiveness:
In a series of conversations, he stated that excessive indulgence in permissiveness also has an adverse effect on the heart. For example, laughing excessively makes the heart callous. Just as the remembrance of Allah brings tranquility and brightness to the heart, one who has tasted even a little solitude will feel it. The impact will be such that it seems as if a mountainous thing is flying in front of the heart, and without seeking forgiveness, this situation will not change. However, for the realization of these feelings, it is necessary that one has enjoyed some solitude, one has been engaged in the remembrance of Allah, and it is difficult to discern without it.
One should make a special effort to avoid such a situation and continue striving. This state is called depression, and many people have resorted to suicide in it.
In the path, there are thousands of paths, and there are many difficult mountain passes, among which this useless occupation (shugl) is one.
Discourses of Hakimul Ummat: Part 6, Page 198