Ikhlaas – Part 2 (By Hakeemul Ummat Moulana Thanwi (rahmatullahi alayh)
Looking at looks is to toil day and night to have one’s looks, clothes, appearance and ways attractive in the eyes of people. Almost every person is preoccupied with this, and day and night besides adorning oneself there is no other occupation.
I do not say that adornment is forbidden; adornment is permissible. This, however, is as long as it does not transcend the limits and there is no preoccupation with it. When one is preoccupied with it then it causes neglect.
The instruction of not going beyond limits is obvious.
In short, one should not make adornment the focus of attention. Hence it comes in the Hadeeth that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) prohibited combing the hair daily.
It is also seen that those who occupy themselves with adornment day and night lack perfection in any field. Had they possessed excellence in any field they would have occupied themselves with their skill and not direct their attention to looks.
In short, such adornment in which one engrosses oneself night and day is prohibited regardless of the appearance and style being lawful.
Trespassing the lawful states of appearance people are now entrapped in haraam styles. They prefer the dress and ways of other nations. They are enemies of the beard.
Setting aside permissibility and non-permissibility, it is a demand of Islamic Honour that we preserve our appearance, and we remain distinguished from other nations like other nations are particular about their appearances. However, that Islamic Honour is also gone.
Distinction is through actions and appearance. In actions the distinction is long gone, Illa Maa Sha Allah! Appearance remained. However, regrettably that too has departed now.