Imaam As-Sakhaawi رحمة الله عليه in al-Qowlul Badee` lists 52 benefits of Durood which a person receives
Imaam As-Sakhaawi رحمة الله عليه in al-Qowlul Badee` lists 52 benefits of Durood which a person receives, and these are:
1) The Salaah (i.e. Praises and Barakaat) of Allaah `Azza wa Jall;
2) The Salaah (i.e. Istighfaar and Du`aa) of the Malaa’ikah;
3) The Salaah (i.e. Istighfaar and Du`aas) of Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم, for he said in a Hadeeth that for those who send Salaah upon him, he sends Salaah upon them;
4) Expiation of errors and mistakes;
5) Purification of A`maal (deeds);
6) Raising of one’s rank;
7) Forgiveness of sins;
8) The Durood itself seeks the forgiveness of Allaah Ta`aalaa for the one who recites it;
9) Reward equal to Mount Uhud;
10) A scale overflowing with good deeds on the Day of Qiyaamah;
11) Being sufficed against all matters (worries and problems) in both this Dunyaa and the Aakhirah;
12) The erasing of sins, mistakes, errors and slip-ups (from one’s Book of Deeds);
13) A virtue (in reward) greater than that of freeing slaves;
14) Salvation from all terrors (of this Dunyaa and the Aakhirah);
15) Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم receives and testifies to one’s Durood, that indeed they had sent it;
16) The Intercession of Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم becomes Waajib for this person;
17) the Pleasure of Allaah Ta`aalaa;
18) The Rahmah (Mercy) of Allaah Ta`aalaa;
19) Safety from the Displeasure of Allaah Ta`aalaa;
20) Being granted shade under the `Arsh of Allaah Ta`aalaa (on the Day of Qiyaamah);
21) One’s scale of good deeds will outweigh the scale of bad deeds;
22) One will drink from Hawdh-e-Kawthar (The Pond of Kawthar outside Jannah, after which one will never again experience thirst);
23) Safety from thirst (on the Day of Qiyaamah);
24) Freedom from the Fire of Jahannam;
25) Being granted to cross the Siraat (bridge over Jahannam);
26) Seeing one’s place in Jannah before dying;
27) Being granted numerous wives in Jannah;
28) The virtue (of Durood) exceeding that of 20 (Nafl) battles;
29) Durood acts as a substitute for Sadaqah (charity) for the one who cannot afford to give Sadaqah;
30) Durood is a purifier;
31) It causes one’s wealth to grow and be filled with Barakah;
32) It causes 100 or even more needs (of this Dunyaa and the Aakhirah) to be fulfilled;
33) It is `Ibaadah;
34) It is the most beloved of deeds to Allaah Ta`aalaa;
35) It beautifies and adorns any (permissible) gathering wherein it is recited;
36) It protects against poverty;
37) It protects against difficulty in life and from having a life that is narrow and constrained;
38) It causes one to achieve and acquire khair (goodness);
39) The one who recites Durood is himself most deserving of (benefitting) from it, but not just that, it also…
40) …Benefits not just the one who recites it, but also the person’s children and grandchildren, and also…
41) …Whomsoever is gifted it (as Eesaal-e-Thawaab);
42) It causes one to become nearer to Allaah `Azza wa Jall and His Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم;
43) It is a Noor (Light, in this Dunyaa, in the Qabr and in the Aakhirah, so a person of Durood will never be without Noor);
44) It grants victory against one’s enemies;
45) It purifies the heart from nifaaq (hypocrisy) and rust (that covers the heart due to ghaflat);
46) It causes one to become loved by people;
47) It grants one to see and meet Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم in true dreams;
48) It protects against gossip (i.e. even if people gossip about a person of Durood, Allaah Ta`aalaa will protect his name from being slurred and he will remain honoured);
49) It is from the most Mubaarak, most virtuous and most beneficial of all deeds in Deen and in Dunyaa;
50) A person who dedicates his time in reciting Durood will be protected from the questioning on the Day of Qiyaamah;
51) Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم will honour a person of Durood;
52) On the Day of Qiyaamah, Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم will shake hands with the person of Durood.
جزى الله عنا محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم ما هو أهله