Israel: 204% increase in purchases of tranquilizers since outbreak of war
Bethlehem – Ma’an – The rate of purchase of tranquilizers among Israelis has increased significantly since the outbreak of the current war on the northern and southern fronts.
The Maccabi Institute for Research and Innovation showed that compared to the Second Lebanon War, which saw a 27% increase in the purchase of anti-anxiety medications, since the events of October 7 there has been an unprecedented 204% increase in the purchase of tranquilizers.
While in the Second Lebanon War, the increase in the purchase of tranquilizers was expressed only in the conflict line areas, so that the increase in the purchase of tranquilizers was mainly in northern Israel.
But since last October, the increase in the purchase of anti-anxiety medications has been horizontal and general throughout Israel.
The retrospective study was conducted with the approval of the Helsinki Committee using anonymized data from over one million Maccabi members aged 21 and over. As a case study of how environmental conditions and their impact on personal stress, the study looked at sociodemographic characteristics such as age, gender, area of residence and socioeconomic status. The study examined patterns of medication use over the past 19 years, including October 7, by examining the number of purchases of anti-anxiety medications.
The study shows that the risk of purchasing a short-acting tranquilizer during a security operation is 14 percent higher than in normal times. During the Second Lebanon War, the purchase of tranquilizers among residents of the north was 39 percent higher than among residents of the center.
During military operations in the south, there was an 18 percent increase in the purchase of anti-anxiety medications compared to the population of the center.
As mentioned, during the current war the rate was horizontal and similar among residents throughout Israel. Similar trends occur in the frequency of purchase of anti-anxiety medications, after stopping their use for at least a year.